What is the Real Cost of Making a Website in India?

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Cost of Making a Website in India

Are you looking for an affordable web development agency for your online business/portfolio and wondering how much it costs to make a website in 2024?

Starting a website is a great way to boost your online business traffic and increase your brand’s exposure and reputation. And it is also easy. When looking to create a website, you have many options available.

You can hire a website developer easily at a low cost in India. Alternatively, you can learn website development by yourself and create a website on your own. There are also many tools available to build simple websites quickly and without technical skills.

If you’re searching for the cost of making a website in India, here’s everything you need to know about it.

    Why do you need a website?

    Different people have different reasons to create a website.

    Business Needs

    If you own or manage a business that doesn’t already have a website, you must consider building one right away. Having a business website is so common these days that a potential customer might find it difficult to trust you as a legitimate business if you do not have a website.

    Moreover, a website can help you make a great first impression and control what information people have about your business. It can help ensure your business has a positive image with the right information out there.

    Whether you’re a professional or a business person, a website gives you a unique opportunity to showcase your projects, products and/or services to the world, including prospective customers, in a manner you want. You can even sell online through your website.

    There are many other advantages of starting a website. Because it is accessible all the time to everyone, everywhere in the world, you know that your customers can visit your site to get the information they need or find & buy a product or service.

    In addition, a website can help you make real sales, i.e. sell something to make money. There are millions of people worldwide who actually make money through selling, blogging & other activities on their websites.

    A website helps you connect & communicate directly with your customers and enables your customers to share their opinions about the company. It increases your credibility and makes it easy for people to trust you. It might even help you beat the competition if you have a visually-appealing, useful, and user-friendly website.

    What’s the Cost of Making a Website in India?

    When calculating the website making charges in India, we need to consider a number of things. The first one is the method of making a website.

    Cost to Build different Kinds of Websites

    When looking to build your website, you have the following two options:

    1. Hire a professional web developer or agency,
    2. Develop a site by yourself.

    The Cost of Website Development by a Professional Agency

    SAG IPL is a professional web development agency that can help build your dream website at the lowest cost possible. Here’s everything you need to know about website making costs in India.

    Types of web development services by SAG IPL

    All websites can be categorized into two types according to the latest trends in web development:

    1. Static websites
    2. Dynamic websites

    1. Static Website Development Cost by SAG IPL

    Static websites are the simplest type of website as they can be created only using HTML codes and have a small number of pages. The content on these websites is static, i.e. the same for all users. Any changes to the content have to be done manually.

    Because static websites are easier to build and the development time is much shorter (than dynamic websites), the cost to create a static website is significantly low. With SAG IPL, you can get a simple static website starting at $100-$300.

    Static websites are ideal for informational sites, small businesses, etc.

    2. Dynamic Website Development Services Cost by SAG IPL

    A dynamic website contains information or content that can change based on user actions and behaviour. In other words, different users on a dynamic site might see different content.

    One of the major features of dynamic websites is user interaction. They allow users to interact with the website and take actions like pressing a button, filling up a form, choosing content based on their specific preferences, etc.

    Amazon would be an example of a dynamic website. The content on the front page of Amazon changes for every user, as it displays dynamic content based on user interest.

    Creating a dynamic website involves heavy coding and the use of elements such as databases and a back-end. It is much harder than static web development and can also cost a lot more. You can expect dynamic website development to cost anywhere between $400 to $1,000, or even more, depending on other web development cost factors (explained below).

    Dynamic website development is considered suitable for e-commerce sites, educational platforms, and enterprise apps.

    Other than this, there are many other factors that we consider when determining the cost of making a website in India, including the web design type, content, hosting type, developer type (experience), coding vs CMS, technical features, maintenance cost, etc. The more features & functionalities you want in your website, the more expensive it will be to develop.

    The Cost of Website Design (theme)

    A website theme determines how a website looks. The web design will include the layout and design of your site, including various design features, including fonts, colours, user experience, interlinking, and navigation.

    To keep the cost low, you can opt for a basic web design, which refers to a theme that contains only minimal design elements that you actually need in your website.

    Cost of Building a New website

    The positive side is that these websites are fast and inexpensive to build and also load faster when compared to feature-rich dynamic websites. Also, you can get these themes practically free and get your developer to do the necessary changes.

    One downside of basic web designs is that they may not look very attractive and/or have limited customisation options and features. The cost of a basic web design can be anywhere between free to a few hundred rupees.

    Alternatively, you can go for a premium or customised web design, which will, of course, cost more but might fit your particular requirements & goals better and be relevant to your business theme. Custom web designing may involve the use of paid features, plugins, etc., which will increase the overall website cost.

    It will also need the developer/designer to do considerable research on your target audience and market to understand your business context and create a design that is relevant to you. The cost of a custom website design or a premium theme may range between USD $400-$800.

    The cost of back-end development (code)

    When it comes to writing the code for your new website, a web development agency will go with either of the two options – CMS vs Manual Coding.

    Manual coding refers to writing a website code using HTML, PHP and other programming languages in a code editing tool like Dreamweaver. The developer will manually create each functionality of your website by writing many lines of code.

    Manual website coding, as it may sound, is a long and time-consuming process, though it is a great way of creating custom websites.

    Another option that most website developers now prefer is to use a CMS platform, which refers to an online web development tool that contains ready-to-use code with templates and features that can be readily integrated to create a website. WordPress is the most popular CMS out there.

    Back-End Development

    As you can imagine, web development with CMS is fast, stress-free and cost-effective. With so many web design options offered in the form of thousands of WordPress themes and advanced features available through plugins and extensions, creating a high-end business website is both easy and affordable.

    At SAG IPL, we provide both WordPress development and custom website-making services. If you’re not sure which one you need, we can help you figure out the best solution for you after discussing and analyzing your website requirements.

    Cost of a WordPress website:

    Small business or personal website cost: USD $200 – $500, including the cost of premium plugins and themes.

    E-commerce website cost: USD $300 – $500.

    Cost of custom web development:

    Custom-built website cost: $600 – $1000, depending on the website type, size, features, etc.

    There are many other factors that might affect the overall cost to make a website in India. Here are some:

    The cost of website hosting

    Hosting is where your website is launched and all its files are stored. It’s a type of online storage space that you can purchase separately from a hosting provider.

    The typical cost of a single website domain hosting in India would be around $10-$25 per month.

    Depending on your specific requirements and website type, you can choose from shared web hosting, managed hosting, cloud hosting, or a dedicated server.

    The cost of site domain

    The domain is the online address of a website. This is where your website will be found on the internet. You will need to purchase a domain name separately for your site.

    The domain name might cost anywhere between $10-$20 for a standard domain (not very competitive or already owned by someone).

    Make sure that the domain is relevant to your business. For example, if you run a flower business, having a domain that is related to flowers would be helpful from the SEO perspective.

    Logo Design

    Some web development agencies provide a logo as a part of their web design services, while others charge separately for logo design.

    Either way, you can expect to have to pay $10-$50 for a professionally designed customised logo for your website.

    Make sure that your logo design is unique, attractive and relevant to your site or business.

    Site content

    Content Writing is generally offered as a separate service. However, you can talk to your development company to offer website content/copy as a part of the website development package, which might cost you lower than usual.

    Content Marketing Cost

    In general, the cost of a professional website content-writing service should be around $10-$20 per page. If your website has, say, 20 pages, the service will cost you around $100.

    You need to make sure that only a professional and expert writer prepares your site’s content that is unique, high-quality and optimised for SEO.

    Technical features like Live Chat, SSL, mobile-friendliness, etc.

    You might need to add other technical and advanced features to your site.

    For one, you may want your website to be compatible with mobile devices (mobile-responsive), which may not come as a standard feature with your web design. In that case, be ready to pay around $500 to get your website design mobile-friendly.

    Expert tip: choose a web design or theme that is already optimised for mobile.

    Other technical features you might want to add to your site include an advanced security certificate (SSL), a live chat option, etc., each of which will cost extra.

    E-commerce functionality (optional)

    If you’re planning to sell products and/or services on your website, you’ll need to add e-commerce options including a shopping cart, payment gateway, shipping, and others.

    E-commerce Web Development Services

    In general, adding e-commerce functionality to your website may cost anywhere between $150-$200, including the cost of payment gateways.

    Website maintenance (recurring cost)

    Like any other thing, your website will also need routine maintenance, which includes domain & hosting renewal, technical upgrades, bug removal, SEO optimization, plugin & theme updation, security updates, backups, etc.

    Importance of Website Maintenance

    The best way to manage this is to hire a professional agency that can handle routine maintenance and renewals for your site.

    The website maintenance cost typically starts from $100 per year.

    Web developer/agency cost

    The last thing to include in your web development cost is the developer fee.

    If you’re hiring individual developers on an hourly basis, you may have to pay them separately for the number of hours they work on your project. A more cost-effective option would be to hire website development services from an agency (on a project basis), where you can hire any number of developers, plus designers, content creators, logo creators, and other resources required for your project and pay a fixed amount as fees.

    The cost of a web developer or agency may range between $10-$20 per hour, depending on their experience.

    Calculating the cost of making a website (by an agency)

    The development process of a standard website will have the following elements, cost-wise. Based on the type of your website and the elements you want to include, you can calculate the estimated website making cost in India.

    Hosting$10-$25 per month
    Premium Themes$400-$800
    Professional Website Logo$10-$50
    Website Content$10-$20 per page
    Technical Features, Live Chat, etc.$500
    Responsive WebsiteStarts from $100
    Payment Integration$300-$500
    E-commerce Functionality$150-$200
    Website Maintenance (yearly/half-yearly cost)$100 per year
    Web Developer Cost (per hour)$10-$20 per hour

    If it takes 20 hours to make your website, the developer cost would be around $10-$20. You can accordingly calculate the cost of the entire website.

    The cost of making a website by yourself

    If you’ve been a website developer or have some web design skills, you might be able to save some bucks by making your website on your own.

    Website Developer

    To start a website by yourself, you’ll need the following things:

    • Website design (theme)
    • Hosting & development platform
    • Website domain
    • Site content
    • Technical features like Live Chat, SSL, mobile-friendliness, etc.
    • E-commerce functionality (optional)
    • Website maintenance (recurring cost)

    We have already discussed the cost of each element separately in the previous section. You can exclude the developer (or agency) cost if you’re making the website by yourself.

    If you’re not sure whether you should make a site by yourself or hire a professional web development agency, here’s a quick comparison between the two options to help you figure out:

    Pros of hiring a web development agency

    1. It saves time and energy, so if you do not have a lot of time or are too busy managing your business, it’s better to hire a professional web developer.

    2. Avoid learning if you do not already have web development skills. Instead, you can outsource website development services from a professional agency.

    3. Work with experts – when hiring an agency, you get to work with web development experts who have years of experience and can use their expertise to build a highly efficient & feature-rich website for you.

    4. When working with an agency, you also get unlimited support and help with routine maintenance, which can be too complex or time-consuming to do on your own.

    When should you develop a website by yourself?

    Developing a website on your own is a good option, when:

    1. You’re low on budget and cannot afford to pay a third-party developer.

    2. You have a lot of time on your hands that you can utilise to learn to code and make your own website from scratch.

    3. You only need a basic website that you can make on your own either using tools like WordPress or Wix or learning to code.


    This is all you need to know about the average cost of making a website in India from scratch. The cost of website development depends on many things, including the type & size of the website, end goals, website features, technical specifications, developer type, etc.

    We hope this article helps you determine the estimated cost of your website development project.

    We, at SAG IPL, have helped hundreds of businesses like yours create awesome, mobile-friendly websites to help their traffic and sales grow. We can help you too.

    To start with, we have prepared this detailed guide to understand the cost of developing a website in India and how to calculate the cost of creating a new website.

    We understand that every business is different and has unique needs, which is why we are more than willing to help you determine the exact cost of making a website in India for a business. Feel free to get in touch to talk to one of our web development experts. If you want to hire website developers in India, call us for a free quote.

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    By Amit Gupta Founder and CEO of SAG IPL

    Amit Gupta, who is the CEO and Founder of SAG IPL, founded this company with the vision to become the #1 provider of quality-driven and cost-effective blockchain marketing and development services in the world. As a Chartered Accountant with a keen interest in software and web development, he manages a team of over 200 professionals, comprising designers, developers, and marketers, committed to delivering top-notch web, software, mobile, and blockchain solutions to clients worldwide. Linkedin


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