A Comprehensive Guide to Walmart SEO – Secret Rules & Algorithms Revealed To Achieve Higher Product Ranking (Fresh 2024 Updated)

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Walmart SEO Guide

Online marketplaces of e-commerce websites have their own algorithms to decide the position of the product. So it can be different from the google search algorithm but it also has almost some key elements of SEO, such as keywords, content, title, and search terms a user enters.

The position of the product can be managed by the online marketplace places of e-commerce websites as they have their individual algorithms.

Thus it is distinct from the google search algorithm however it consists of a few SEO elements like keywords, content titles, as well as search terms a user registers.

Today we are talking about Walmart SEO Guide, and obviously, it also has its set of rules, algorithms, and guidelines. And that’s why it is important to understand the concept of Walmart SEO, and how you can hit the bull’s eye.

Walmart Ranking Algorithm

Almost all sellers will target the top spot, but only one gets to win it. Ever wondered why?

Well, the algorithm decides the position. So your product and what data you put in the title, description and other fields matter a lot and these are the main factors that need to be A-OK to make your product on top.

Walmart Ranking Algorithm

But how? It is still a mystery because a brand like Walmart will never reveal how its algorithm operates. And especially when people can misuse the information to lure customers so they can’t take a huge risk.

So how is this Walmart SEO Guide possible? Well, we spent the last few weeks collecting all the data available about Walmart SEO, and luckily found that a few sellers optimized their listings and tried different types of strategies, and shared their experiences and opinions on social media, videos, or perhaps, their own blogs. Additionally, a few experts also provided their suggestions and advice.

And after observing all, of them and after spending a few days our experts reached the conclusion that there are some similarities to SEO.

No one knows accurately what helps rank product listings, But that’s how the ideology behind SEO has been working so far. It is completely based on experimentation and deep learning.

So that’s where we get ready to explain to you the Walmart Ranking factors, SEO, and Optimization and after hours of experiments, we are also able to guide you to rank on top of Walmart. But before that let’s start from the basics.

What Is SEO?

SEO is the process of increasing the number of organic visitors to a website by understanding working strategies and applying everything to meet the requirement of search engines.

The algorithm and rules of SEO change on a regular interval so keeping everything up to date is also hard. Meanwhile, the term “SEO” occurs only when an “algorithm” is involved.

What Is Walmart SEO?

Similar to normal SEO Walmart SEO is also a process of increasing the number of visitors by ranking in the top position in the search result, and the process includes writing a catchy title, including a great image, writing the features in bullet points, etc can improve your listing.

And if any strategy is working for you can be considered a good strategy but also make sure to keep it ethical.

Also Read: Amazon SEO: The Ultimate Guide 2024 (A9 Algorithm + Strategies Revealed)

How To Improve Listing Rank On Walmart?

We need to rank products on top of Walmart because Just getting your item listed on Walmart isn’t enough, you will lose the game today or tomorrow. So, the important question is – how to rank products on Walmart?

Well, You can do that by optimizing your listing with the right SEO (Search Engine Optimization) practices. Let me explain it to you point by point.

1. Product Title Should Be Concise & Clear:

Walmart is very particular about product information and that’s why the word count is too low.

So to keep it precise and yet creative, ensure that the title is appealing enough for the buyers with potential keywords in it and also keep readability and word count in mind. The formula to come up with an ideal product title is:

Brand + Clothing Size Group (if applicable) + Defining Quality + Item Name + Style (if applicable) + Pack Count

Product Title in Walmart Description

And it also needs to check all the below points.

1. Keep the title within 50 – 75 characters and do not exceed this.
2. Choose a creative name for your product, that has not been used by other sellers because a unique product name improves ranking.
3. Don’t use special characters or symbols.
4. Incorporate a few good attributes.
5. Try to include the primary keyword for the product that you sell.
6. Include the speciality of the product if possible.

2. Meaningful Product Shelf Description:

Walmart permits the sellers to have the three most vital benefits of the product.

Hence, to seize the opportunity it is advised to include proper keywords here just do not stuff the keywords too much and keep it natural and rich.

  1. List 3 to 5 important advantages of the product in bullet points including at least 1 or 2 keywords here.
  2. Add specific and understandable information about the product.
  3. Avoid repeating details, meaningless information, keywords too much and grammar mistakes.
Features description in walmart seo

3. Product Short Description Should Win The Customer’s Trust:

A “short description” having 8-10 sentences or 500-1000 characters appears either above or below the “shelf description.”

Try to utilize this section as much as you can by coming up with a keyword-rich and well-crafted description, which visitors are most likely to look for.

Description in walmart SEO
  1. Must include the brand name, product name, and potential keywords (with good searches).
  2. Define the product and its features clearly in a paragraph of 8-10 sentences long.
  3. Try to win the trust of the customers by avoiding grammar or spelling mistakes, using understandable language, and just suitable keywords.
  4. Don’t just copy and paste from other websites. Keep it appealing, useful and yet unique.
  5. Keep it straightforward and mention the key terms that the buyers look for, and also avoid excessive repetition.

4. Product Long Description Should List All Features:

It is another important section for a product listing, and it gives you the freedom to write a paragraph or a list containing 250 – 300 words. Just keep all the below tips in mind.

  1. Describe the product in this section within 250 – 300 words long.
  2. List all the benefits and important features of the product.
  3. Use the product’s synonyms (if there are any).
  4. Use 1- 2 keywords but keep it natural to read.
  5. Do not make the section lengthy or awkward to read.
  6. Avoid spelling or grammar mistakes.
  7. Include bullet points to describe it.
  8. Include figures and facts to keep it appealing.

5. Care about images, Prices, and Attributes:

These points are important, but actually, we can understand all the rules in short.

Product Image:

  1. Choose and upload Good, high-quality pictures because it attracts potential buyers.
  2. Every picture should be of high resolution, clear and captured in well-lit condition.
  3. Avoid repetition, and wrong or copied images. Do not use boundaries as well.
  4. Avoid using images that contain additional illustrations, watermarks, logos, graphics, texts, or overlays.
  5. Don’t try to lure people, just keep it ethical.

Product Attributes:

  1. Product Attributes are used to filter products to make them clear, targeted and relevant.
  2. Avoid selecting the category “other,” as it decreases visibility.

Product Price Should Be Competitive:

“Product price” is the utmost factor that decides if a product should be ranked at the top or not. It helps win the buy box and maximize sales. You can get the best result by following the below tips:

  1. Download the inventory report frequently and check the price quoted by you versus your competitors.
  2. Understand where you stand in the competition, and how well can your product perform if you had quoted a better price.
  3. Keep the Price competitive.

6. Product Reviews Should Be Majorly Positive:

Last but not least, Customer reviews play a vital role in ranking. In fact, they can influence your customer’s decisions!

Positive feedback not only builds credibility for your product but also helps improve your rankings. So what can you do in this matter?

  1. Ask your customers/ buyers to leave their reviews on your product page.
  2. Reach out to unsatisfied customers and try to solve their problems.
  3. Make sure that you deliver the product on or before time.
Customer Reviews in Walmart SEO

Just remember that the higher your product ranks, the greater the possibility that a customer will see your item over other options. So make sure to follow all the guidelines as well as all the given tips.

Also, make sure to keep everything authentic and ethical because trust is not a thing that is available in the market.

And the most important thing is that if you want to rank higher but don’t have enough resources then hire professionals, one of the best Walmart SEO service providers like SAG IPL, Contact us today and let us do all the above tasks for you.

By Amit Gupta Founder and CEO of SAG IPL

Amit Gupta, who is the CEO and Founder of SAG IPL, founded this company with the vision to become the #1 provider of quality-driven and cost-effective blockchain marketing and development services in the world. As a Chartered Accountant with a keen interest in software and web development, he manages a team of over 200 professionals, comprising designers, developers, and marketers, committed to delivering top-notch web, software, mobile, and blockchain solutions to clients worldwide. Linkedin


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