Affordable Monthly SEO Packages of SAG IPL Explained [2024]

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Monthly SEO Packages

Wondering how to choose the best value-for-money SEO package for your business? Here’s everything you need to know about the various monthly SEO packages offered by SAG IPL, a leading SEO & digital marketing agency based in India.

As a top SEO company in India, SAG IPL offers a variety of SEO services & packages to suit the different needs of different types of businesses.

Our clients include both small businesses and large enterprises, which is why we believe in offering customized SEO services rather than fixed solutions to meet your particular requirements.

We at SAG IPL offer three major monthly SEO packages – basic, advanced, and premium – which can be endlessly customized to fit your specific SEO needs and goals.

All our SEO packages & pricing are offered on a monthly basis, and you have to pay only for one month at a time. This adds flexibility to our SEO services, allowing our clients to switch between packages or add customization as & when required.

Are you interested in a monthly SEO package? Please fill out the form below:

    What is Monthly SEO Pricing?

    Monthly pricing or plan means you have to pay once a month for using our SEO services. You’ll continue to have full access to your hired SEO team, which will keep working on your project as long as you pay every month on time.

    Unlike other SEO agencies that generally have annual SEO packages or other long-term contracts, we do not force our clients into such agreements. With SAG IPL, you’ll have full freedom to switch to a different package or quit after every month.

    KeywordsUpto 10Upto 20Upto 30
    Page OptimizedUpto 5Upto 10Upto 20
    Estimated Ranking2-3 Months2-3 Months3-4 Months
    Estimated Traffic1k Months2.5k Months6k Months

    Why are monthly SEO packages the best?

    There are two reasons why monthly SEO plans are the best option for you.

    For one, you get the flexibility to switch between packages. For instance, your current package may no longer be efficient as your business or website grows or your service area expands. Then, you can easily upgrade to a higher package within just a month rather than waiting for a full year.

    Second, you have the option to quit when you like. We never want you to feel like you’re stuck with us. This is exactly what you might experience when opting for yearly SEO packages from other SEO companies. Instead, we offer simple, short-term, no-nonsense monthly packages with transparent pricing and no long-term contracts.

    Along with our high-quality SEO services, you get regular updates and weekly & monthly reports of our work and progress, which will keep you in the loop with your SEO campaign performance. Based on the campaign results, we’ll also recommend whether you should continue with the same package or upgrade to achieve your goals faster.

    That said, I’d also like to mention that SEO is a long-term process and can take months, if not years, to show results. It can take anywhere between 3-6 months for a fresh website to start appearing in Google search results.

    SEO, if done right, can give you good and steady results in the long term, which is why you must believe in SEO and not quit until you get the desired results. We’ll be right there with you throughout the process.

    SEO pricing guide

    SAG IPL SEO Services & Features – What’s Included in Monthly SEO Packages?

    As a full-service SEO agency, SAG IPL provides comprehensive SEO services & solutions, which include both on-site and off-site SEO, content creation, link building, social media, and more. Take a look at the different SEO services you get as a part of our all-inclusive SEO packages:

    1. Google RankBrain Optimization

    This particular SEO service will involve optimizing your website for Google’s RankBrain algorithm, which is a search engine algorithm used by Google to provide more relevant results for its platform users.

    The goal of our Google RankBrain Optimization service is to make your website more relevant to your target users by optimizing it in terms of content quality, design, and user experience.

    It involves the following services or tasks:

    Google RankBrain Optimization
    CTR Optimization in Meta Data
    User Intent Optimization
    Dwell Time Optimization
    RankBrain-Friendly Keyword Research
    Improving SERP Snippets
    Content Optimization for Bounce Rate
    Optimize for UX Signals

    When you buy any of our three affordable monthly SEO packages, you get some or all of these services as default. Check out our packages to know more.

    2. Audit & Analysis

    This SEO service involves detailed auditing and analysis of your website to find out errors and areas to improve.

    This service will cover the following things:

    Audit & Analysis
    Site Analysis
    Content Quality Check
    Keyword Analysis
    Keyword URL Mapping
    Check for Google Penalty
    Competitor Analysis
    Search Engine Ranking Analysis
    Check Broken Links
    Rank Report
    Website Design Review

    Based on our findings, we prepare your SEO strategy.

    3. On-page Optimization

    This is a crucial website SEO service, where we optimize your website for the various user experience factors and to boost its quality for search results. It involves the following steps:

    On-page Optimization
    Meta Tags Optimization
    Content Optimization
    Sitemap (HTML & XML) Addition/Analysis
    Google Analytics Integration
    New Content Suggestions
    Title & Headers Optimization
    Webmaster Tools Set Up
    Page Load Speed Optimization
    Pagination Tags Placement
    Identify & Resolve Webmaster ErrorsOne TimeEvery MonthEvery Week
    Shopping Cart Analysis
    Website user-friendliness & usability
    Website Code Analysis & Optimization
    Analysis of AMP Pages
    Custom 404 Page
    Canonicalization & Redirection
    Internal Linking Optimization
    Google Webmasters Account Set up and Monitoring
    Image Optimization
    Hyperlink Optimization
    URL Structure Analysis & Optimization
    No Follow tag placement
    Footer Optimization
    JavaScript/Flash Optimization
    Mobile Optimization
    URL Parameter Optimization
    Logo Optimization
    Schema Integration & Optimization
    Schema on Blog

    4. Off-page Optimization & Link Building

    To boost your website’s search engine ranking & visibility, we use link-building and other off-page marketing techniques. This service will cover the following SEO tactics:

    Off-page Optimization (Link Building)
    Article Submission4/Month10/Month
    Blog Posting & Promotion4/Month10/Month
    Guest Posting5/Month
    Infographic/PPT Submission4/Month10/Month
    Social Bookmarking20/Month50/Month100/Month
    Press Release2/Month4/Month
    Company Profile Listing10/Month20/Month40/Month
    Local Directory Listing10/Month20/Month30/Month
    Classified Submission5/Month10/Month20/Month
    Video Submission & Sharing1/Month4/Month
    Image Sharing4/Month10/Month20/Month
    PDF/Doc Submission1/Month5/Month
    Blog Commenting5/Month10/Month20/Month
    Forum Posting5/Month10/Month20/Month
    Q & A Submission2/Month5/Month
    Reputation management

    As you can see, we also work on reputation management, which involves building or improving your online brand image and reputation.

    5. Content Marketing

    Our content marketing SEO service involves creating & using high-quality content to market your business or website online. We use a number of content marketing techniques in this step, including:

    Content Marketing
    Article Writing
    Blog Writing
    Infographic/PPT Creation
    Classified Writing
    Guest Post Writing
    PDF Creation
    Video Creation
    Press Release Writing & Submission
    Premium PR Distribution

    6. Local Search Optimization (Local SEO)

    Businesses having a local presence such as a brick-and-mortar store or an office can benefit from local SEO as a way to boost their local reach and get more potential customers to visit their premises. Our local SEO service will include the following steps:

    Optimization for Local Search
    Google Listing
    Google+ Site Verification
    Local Business Directory Listing
    Website Optimization for local search
    Customer Reviews/Rating Optimization
    Google Map Integration

    7. Social Media Optimization (SMO)

    Basic social media optimization is performed as a part of our monthly SEO plans. This will include setting up your official accounts/profiles on top social networking sites, sharing valuable content, and engaging with your target audience.

    Social Media Optimization
    Facebook Page/Account Set up
    Twitter Page/Account Set up
    Google+ Business Page Set up
    Micro Blogging
    Custom Background for Twitter/Facebook
    Facebook Posting
    Twitter Posting
    Pinterest Account Set up
    Increase Facebook Likes
    Increase Twitter Followers
    Pinterest Posting
    Increase Pinterest Followers

    In addition, you get detailed SEO reports from our team (the one working on your project), including the search engine ranking report, Google Analytics report, SEO report, and progress & suggestions. The frequency of reporting (monthly, weekly, daily) will depend on your SEO package.

    Affordable Monthly SEO Packages by SAG IPL

    Our monthly search engine optimization packages are designed to be budget-friendly and efficient for all types of businesses, from startups to big enterprises.

    You’ll find that our affordable monthly SEO packages are not only cost-effective but are meticulously designed to help you achieve your results & goals through customized SEO solutions that suit every business type in every industry.

    Whether you want SEO services for a new business or project or want us to boost your existing SEO campaign for better results, we’ve got what you need.

    If you’re not sure which of our SEO packages is the right fit for your project, feel free to contact our sales team to get the best-customized SEO services based on particular requirements & goals.

    Or, you can start with our basic SEO package to try things out before you’re ready to upgrade to a higher package. Our affordable monthly SEO pricing ensures you have the freedom to choose, upgrade, or quit our dependable SEO services anytime you like.

    What is Monthly SEO Pricing?

    Basic – USD $499/Month

    Our most cost-effective SEO package is just $499 per month. For this low amount, you’ll get access to our amazing SEO team and get to work with some of the most brilliant SEO minds for a month.

    The starter package is ideal for new websites and businesses looking to kickstart their digital marketing campaigns. It will give you an idea of how SEO works and what kind of results you can expect from our services.

    Our Basic SEO package has the following top features:

    • Targeting up to 10 keywords – we’ll research and target up to 10 keywords for your website for higher ranking in search results.
    • Optimizing up to 5 pages on your website – we’ll optimize up to 5 pages on your website for search engines and to improve user experience.
    • 100 Backlinks – we’ll create 100 high-quality backlinks from top domains to your website.
    • 2-3 months estimated ranking – the estimated time to achieve ranking in search results is 2-3 months for this package, but it can be longer.
    • 1k estimated traffic – our goal will be to generate at least 1,000 unique visitors for your website through organic search.

    When you choose our Basic SEO services package, you’ll get a limited number of SEO services, including CTR Optimization in Meta Data, User Intent Optimization, RankBrain-Friendly Keyword Research, Content Optimization for Bounce Rate, Optimize for UX Signals, Site Analysis, Keyword Analysis, Check for Google Penalty, Competitor Analysis, Search Engine Ranking Analysis, Check Broken Links, Rank Report, Meta Tags Optimization, Content Optimization, Sitemap (HTML & XML) Addition/Analysis, Google Analytics Integration, Title & Headers Optimization, Webmaster Tools Set Up, Identify & Resolve Webmaster Errors, Canonicalization & Redirection, Robots.txt, Google Webmasters Account Set up and Monitoring, Image Optimization, Hyperlink Optimization, JavaScript/Flash Optimization, Mobile Optimization, Social Bookmarking, Company Profile Listing, Local Directory Listing, Classified Submission, Image Sharing, Blog Commenting, Forum Posting, Reputation management, Press Release Writing & Submission, Google My Business (GMB) Profile, Local Business Directory Listing, Website Optimization for local search, Facebook Page/Account Set up, Twitter Page/Account Set up, Micro Blogging, Pinterest Posting, search engine ranking report, Google Analytics report, and SEO report (monthly).

    Of course, you’ll not get access to our full SEO services and features with this package, for which you need to opt for either our advanced or premium SEO package.

    Advanced 999 USD/Month

    The Advanced SEO package costs $999 per month and is perfect for small businesses that already have an online presence and want to optimize their website to boost their Google rankings and traffic.

    This is an all-inclusive package that gives you access to our advanced SEO services & features at a pocket-friendly price.

    The top features of the Advanced SEO package include:

    • Targeting up to 20 keywords – More keywords ranking higher in search results means more traffic & leads for your website.
    • Optimizing up to 10 pages on your website – the more user-friendly your website, the higher will be your conversion rate.
    • 200 Backlinks – The more high-quality backlinks your site has, the higher it will rank in search results.
    • 2-3 months estimated ranking – the estimated time to achieve ranking in search results is 2-3 months.
    • 2.5k estimated traffic – our goal will be to generate at least 2,500 unique visitors for your website through organic search.

    The advanced SEO package includes all services of the Basic SEO package, plus many additional services including Dwell Time Optimization, Improving SERP Snippets, Content Quality Check, Keyword URL Mapping, New Content Suggestions, Page Load Speed Optimization, Pagination Tags Placement, Shopping Cart Analysis, Website user-friendliness & usability, Website Code Analysis & Optimization, Analysis of AMP Pages, Custom 404 Page, Internal Linking Optimization, URL Structure Analysis & Optimization, No Follow tag placement, Footer Optimization, URL Parameter Optimization, Article Submission, Blog Posting & Promotion, Infographic/PPT Submission, Press Release, Video Submission & Sharing, PDF/Doc Submission, Q & A Submission, Article Writing, Blog Writing, Infographic/PPT Creation, Classified Writing, Guest Post Writing, PDF Creation, Customer Reviews/Rating Optimization, Custom Background for Twitter/Facebook, Facebook Posting, Twitter Posting, Pinterest Account Set up, Increase Facebook Likes, Increase Twitter Followers, and Weekly SEO Reports.

    Premium 1499 USD/Month

    If you’re looking for the absolute best value-for-money SEO services, this is the SEO package for you.

    At $1499 per month, you get unlimited access to all our SEO services and premium features. Plus, you get additional services such as priority support, a larger team, and faster results.

    The top features of our Premium SEO package include:

    • Targeting up to 30 keywords – More traffic & leads for your website
    • Optimizing up to 20 pages on your website – higher conversion rate
    • 300 Backlinks – higher ranking in search results in less time
    • 3-4 months estimated ranking
    • 6k estimated traffic – More organic traffic & unique visitors for your website

    Our premium SEO package is also our best value-for-money package because it gives you guaranteed results in a shorter period, saving you both time and money. Moreover, we use many high-end SEO techniques such as guest posting to create premium-quality backlinks to boost your search rankings.

    Also, you get a number of additional SEO services than our basic and advanced packages, including Website Design Review, Logo Optimization, Schema Integration & Optimization, Schema on Blog, Guest Posting, Video Creation, Premium PR Distribution, Google Map Integration, and Increase Pinterest Followers.

    How to Renew Your Monthly SEO Package with SAG IPL?

    When looking to renew your monthly SEO packages with SAG IPL, all you have to do is make your monthly payment. Or, you can talk to our project manager or business development manager if you want to upgrade your package. Upon receiving your confirmation, the team will continue SEO for your project.

    We generally have a 7-day buffer period for our clients to make their monthly payments. If we do not receive your payment by the end of this period, we might have to cancel your plan.

    We strongly recommend that you always pay your dues on time to avoid interruptions in your SEO project, which may affect your campaign’s performance and results.

    We accept credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, cheques, and online payments.

    Get Started – Choose the Right Monthly SEO Plan for You

    Now that you know all about our different SEO service packages and pricing options, you can take your time to choose the right package that fits your particular SEO needs and goals.

    Hire SAG IPL

    The benefit of choosing our affordable monthly SEO packages over other companies is that you get the flexibility of monthly payments and the facility to upgrade or downgrade if your current package is not working for you. Your SEO needs might change over time, which is why we have simple monthly packages, which you can switch between after any month.

    If you’re confused, just choose our basic package for a month, and then you can decide whether you should upgrade to a higher package in the following month based on the SEO results you want. Contact us to get started.

    By Mohsin Qureshi SEO Strategy and Growth Leader

    Mohsin Qureshi is a seasoned digital marketer with over 12 years of experience, including 7 years working as a Team Leader in SAG IPL. His expertise lies in SEO, SMO, PPC, influencer marketing, and strategy building with a focus on driving impactful results and growth for businesses. With a keen eye for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Mohsin has been delivering tailored digital marketing strategies and solutions to help businesses excel online. LinkedIn

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