11 Ultimate Sources That Will Help You To Become A Successful Web Designer

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Categorized as: Infographic, Web Designing

A designer is a creative person. As a website designer, one should be able to create unique, attractive, and trendy web designs that perfectly reflect the idea/purpose of the site.

Design is not just what it looks like & feels like. The design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

If you are looking to get started into web designing industry or to improve yourself as a web designer, here are a few tips to help you.

Website designing is a field full of creativity. But how can you become a successful web designer?

Let’s see.

What is a Web Designer?

A web designer is a person who creates the design of a website. Website design has many aspects, depending on the stage of the designing process.

What is a Web Designer?

An expert web designer should be able to create an exact design based on the client’s ideas. He must have the experience and skills to do magic with colors, pictures, fonts, and styles.

HTML, CSS, and Photoshop are some of the most commonly used web design tools.

A web designer makes use of the various design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc to create a range of designs including logo design, website design, graphic design, page layouts, wireframes, promotion designs, etc.

Check out some interesting web design statistics

How Many Types of Designers?

A designer is basically someone who designs something. Depending on what they design, there may be different kinds of designers, as follows:

Animation Designer

By @BirdmaskStudio

  • Web Designer – The one who designs websites
  • Graphic Designer – Someone who designs images, visual, etc.
  • Fashion Designer – A person who designs clothes and fashion apparel
  • Interior Designer – Someone who design the various aspects of a building, house or office
  • Animation Designer – The one who creates animations for movies and videos
  • Product Designer – A creative person who creates designs for industrial products like automobile and electronics

There are many other varieties of designers; you can find the full list at the link below.

Types of designers

Awesome Tools For Web Designers

Naturally, web designers make use of a lot of tools and technologies to make the perfect designs faster and with efficiency.

Photoshop Tools Every Web Designer Should Know

Adobe tools are the most famous when it comes to web and graphic designing. The most famous Adobe web design tools are:

  • Adobe Photoshop – An advanced photo editing and design tool
  • Pen Tool – Used for selecting a particular section of an image
  • Magic Wand Tool – Used for removing a selected portion of an image
  • Gradient Tool – A perfect way to embed multiple colors in a single image
  • Magnetic Lasso Tool – Used to keep a selected region of an image
  • Spot Healing Brush Tool – It is used for removing unwanted spots from an image

Top Tools For Web Designers

7 Tips To Help You Become A Better Web Designer

1. Effective Communication

A web designer needs to be a good communicator so that he/she can listen to his clients and share useful recommendations and suggestions at the right time.

Effective Communication

How well you understand the client’s ideas and express your own to them will reflect your professionalism as a designer.

The design of a website tells a lot about the associated business. The aim, vision, and goals of your client’s business should be visible in the web design itself.

In short, the design should itself be able to communicate with the visitors.

2. Know How To Sell Yourself

In addition to being good at what you do, you should also know how to promote yourself.

Even if you are a damn good designer but have nothing to prove that, you are probably not going to get any good clients.

To be able to sell yourself, you first need to have some projects to show your web design skills and proficiency to the potential clients.

If you are not getting any outside projects, you can start building your own website designs, theme, layouts, structure and anything else that tests out the limits of your skills.

3. Planning Before Designing

A good web designer starts building a design plan from the moment he first learns about the client’s idea.

Planning Before Designing

You should be ready with suggestions once a client is done sharing his web design idea with you.

To get more ideas for a particular design or industry, you can research related websites on the internet.

The initial plan you build at this stage will help you a lot during the actual designing process and might even save you some time.

4. Keep Learning And Stay Updated

To be sure to stay competitive, keep learning the latest web design trends and techniques.

Keep Learning And Stay Updated

The industry is constantly evolving with many new designing tools and technologies being introduced to make the web designing process easier and more creative.

By keeping yourself updated with the latest trends, you make sure that you are always on the top of the industry competition.

Clients prefer to hire website designer in India who are making use of the latest design tools, especially if they need to hire mobile ui designers who can create engaging and responsive interfaces for mobile devices.

5. Acquire Some Experience

A good web designer profile is incomplete without experience. No matter how qualified you are or how many skills you have, a potential client is less likely to hire you unless you’ve got some real-world experience to show.

That means you should start working on some web design projects right away. In order to build a solid designer portfolio, you should essentially have some good projects to show, and that comes only from experience.

For that, you can work on client projects or on your own websites until you manage to find some good external projects.

As you gain more experience, your designing skills will improve and you will become a better designer with each project.

6. A Team Player

A designer should always be a good team player. Even if you are working as a freelance web designer or working alone on a project, you might sometimes need the help of other individuals such as developers, managers, testing persons, and/or other designers.


So, you should have some experience working in a team and be able to manage properly with others, whenever needed.

A good project is usually the result of good teamwork. Especially if/when you are working in a web design company where you need to work with a team, it is important to play the role of a good team player.

7. Update Your Portfolio

Last but not least, keep your web designer portfolio updated and maintained, preferably on a live online platform. If possible, design a simple yet sophisticated portfolio website for yourself.

Update Your Portfolio

There is no better way to showcase your design works and qualification to your potential clients than a dedicated portfolio website where you can actually show your creativity.

Be sure to mention all your degrees, certificates, work experience, company (and freelance) experiences along with the actual projects you’ve worked on, in your portfolio. Share this portfolio when promoting yourself to your potential clients.

Current Web Designing Trends

Web design trends change more frequently than you can imagine. A design that is in trend today might become out of fashion in the blink of an eye.

So, what you need to do is keep yourself updated with the latest web design ideas and styles trending in the market.

“Design for your customers and not for your brand.”

This way you can keep your web design business trendy and be able to provide your clients with timeless designs.

Here are some of the top trending website design ideas that you can rely on in the coming year.

Semi-flat design that is inspired by the traditional flat design but has an improved and more stylish way.

3D Web designs that are inspired by the development of advanced 3D rendering tools and technologies.

Color transitions – The web design space is fastly evolving to embed designs with bold and mix colors, leaving behind the traditional single color designs.

Colour Transitions Web Design

Dribbble – @JEE_Lion

Colour Transitions Web Design

Behance – @tintins

These are just some examples. You can refer the link below for more great design trends.

Check out Web Design Trends 2019

Where To Look For Website Designing Ideas

Everything starts with an Idea. An idea is what inspires you to build something unique and equally inspiring.

The same is true for the web design industry where the success of a website depends a lot on the underlying idea.

With clients constantly demanding for new and more attractive website design ideas, you need to know the right source to get inspiration for new web design ideas.

Depending on the type or purpose of the website you’re planning to develop, we have some great ideas that you can take inspiration from.

For business purpose, some top website ideas include affiliate sites, app development, freelancer marketplace, fashion portal, domain reselling, online marketing, photography, etc.


For Education website, some ideas are online tutoring, art website, online courses, learn a language, career guidance, and more.

For E-commerce businesses, top website ideas include online food portal, fitness equipment, and supplies, customized t-shirts, secondhand goods, etc.

There are many other types of sites you can build if you are simply looking to make money. Find the complete list at the link below.

How To Create An SEO-Friendly Design

Any website that is built by following Google’s SEO guidelines is an SEO-friendly website.

In order to make such a website, a web designer should be familiar with the concepts of on-page SEO (Search Engines Optimization).

Optimize Website Navigation

A Search Engine friendly website is important from the SEO as well as the user point of view.

While search engines like Google prefer to index (and rank) sites that have been optimized for SEO, users also like websites that are friendly, appealing and easy to navigate.

So, the next time you are looking for a website design, do not miss the SEO factors. Here are a few tips to help you along.

  • Optimize the navigation of your site to make it easy to follow. Users, as well as Search Engines, hate complex web structures.
  • Optimize the content of your website for quality, quantity, relevance, appearance, uniqueness, and freshness.
  • Optimize the images and other graphics to make them more appealing yet less bulky in size.

Tips for Creating an SEO-friendly Website

Parallax Web Designing

Those who are not well-versed with the web designing industry may not have heard of the term Parallax Web Designs. But those, who are working as web designers must know what it is.

Parallax Web Designing

A Parallax Web Design, also commonly known as one-page scrolling design, is a special design concept that creates a 3D effect or optical illusion on your site.

In addition to being appealing, parallax designs are known to increase user curiosity and engagement.

Catchy interface and attractive design of the product

There are multiple methods of designing a Parallax Website, which you can find in the source below.

Check out Parallax Web Design Ideas

Cost of Designing A Website

The entire discussion about hire Dedicated Website Designer and getting the best web design comes down to one single thing – the cost.

Not everyone can afford to pay for high-end web designs, but that doesn’t mean that they do not deserve the best.

In fact, the true worth of web designers is determined by the fact that they can create quality designs at affordable prices.

Like any other product, a website design is created through a predefined process which determines its price.

The cost of creating a new web design from scratch depends on a number of things, including the developer, the method of development, tools & technologies, the design complexity and features, the number of pages, and the time of development.

A professional web designer or web design firm can give you the right cost estimate after analyzing your website requirements.

In general, a website design may cost you anywhere between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars.

better idea for the cost of building a website

How To Hire A Good Web Designer for Your Project?

Hire A Good Web Designer

Before you go out looking for a good web designer for your project, make sure that you know what you are looking for. Ask yourself questions like –

  • What makes a good web designer?
  • How will you identify a good designer from a bad one?
  • What are the characteristics of a good web designer?

Once you have answers to all these questions, you’ll know exactly the kind of person you need for the project. Here are some tips to get started.

“Decide your budget and try to find the right designer in that budget. But do not compromise with the quality.”

Check out the background, skills, portfolio, experience details and everything else about a designer before you decide to hire them for your project.

Also, make sure the web design company or designer you hire are completely serious about the work and treat your project like their own.

They must be able to provide a strict deadline for the delivery of your project. Also, they should have a proven strategy to develop a result-oriented website for you.

If budget is not a big restriction for you, I would recommend going with a reputed web design agency rather than a freelancer developer, as a professional firm with established credentials can offer trust and reliability along with top-quality website design.

Adopt latest Designing Trends

As the current time is to follow and run through the latest trend. A web designer is also responsible to run awareness with the trend going on around. Once the designer is one que of the following trend should automatically get good conversion of their customer, because as the website is of latest trend and color the more customers come to that platform.

For more details, read these tips for hiring a web design/development company

These and many other small things can help you build a strong reputation in the web design industry. The most important thing is your work quality and knowledge. So, keep learning and keep updating your web designing knowledge. The more you focus on learning new design concepts, the better designer you will become.

SAG IPL is an India based professional web design & development agency providing top-quality web designing services to clients in a wide range of business industries worldwide. Contact now to discuss your web design requirements!

Your Turn:

How do you work on improving your skills and knowledge as a web designer? Did you find these tips useful? Share your reviews and suggestions in the comment section below. We look forward to a healthy discussion.

Image Source: advibe
Image Source: rediff
GIF Image Source: giphy
GIF Image Source: efunhub

By Amit Gupta Founder and CEO of SAG IPL

Amit Gupta, who is the CEO and Founder of SAG IPL, founded this company with the vision to become the #1 provider of quality-driven and cost-effective blockchain marketing and development services in the world. As a Chartered Accountant with a keen interest in software and web development, he manages a team of over 200 professionals, comprising designers, developers, and marketers, committed to delivering top-notch web, software, mobile, and blockchain solutions to clients worldwide. Linkedin


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