Meme Coin Marketing Strategies to Go Viral in Crypto Market

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Meme Coin Marketing

If you’re creating a new meme coin this year and want to make it famous, here’s all you need to know about the best meme coin marketing strategies.

According to CoinMarketCap, the overall market cap of all listed (1800+) meme coins is almost $60 billion at the time of writing, and the total trading volume stands at over $9 billion.

For those who don’t know, meme coins are cryptocurrencies based on jokes or popular memes, allowing creators to leverage a trending meme to build an interesting crypto-coin.

Meme coins are generally identified by unique images or videos that contain funny or eye-catching ideas. Dogecoin, the most popular meme coin of our time, is inspired by a popular meme, called Doge, including a Shiba Inu breed dog.

The value of a meme coin lies in its community. Because meme coins are often based on popular memes or jokes, they tend to drive significant community interest. They often represent groups of people promoting specific ideas or things.

Meme coins are commonly based on jokes, so some investors consider them meaningless and without value. Other investors buy meme coins to leverage their popularity to ‘get rich quickly.’

Many famous personalities and internet celebrities have been associated with meme coins. Some of them have been seen outrightly promoting these coins. These include Elon Musk, who recently acquired the social media site Twitter and is often seen posting about Dogecoin and other meme coins as an obvious supporter.

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    Interesting facts about meme coin

    Before we move further, here are some exciting facts and statistics about meme coins:

    • As of 2024, there are more than 1800 meme coins, according to the CoinMarketCap website.
    • DOGE is the biggest meme coin in terms of market cap, which is more than $25 billion.
    • The second largest meme coin, Shiba Inu, has a market cap of over $17 billion.
    • DOGE is also the biggest meme cryptocurrency by 24-hour trading volume ($2.6 billion).
    Top Meme Coin Market Capitalization

    Let’s see how to do meme coin marketing effectively to reach your goals.

    Best Meme Coin Marketing Strategies to Promote a Meme Coin

    The best way to make your meme coin popular is to build it around a popular and trending meme. Wait for the tight time and the right internet meme to create your token.

    You can always seek the help of a professional ICO marketing company like SAG IPL to find the right ideas and trends for your meme token.

    When building your meme coin marketing strategy or promoting your token, make sure to focus primarily on the unique ‘theme’ or ‘humour’ that makes your meme coin stand out.

    Build your strategy around meme crypto communities. Use social media to connect with and promote to people looking for humorous content. Make your coin such that it can attract user attention at first sight.

    Leveraging the ‘Meme’ Trends

    Leveraging the ‘Meme’ Trends

    People are always searching for funny content and humour, and some of these ideas become more popular than others and end up becoming trends. Look out for these trends on social media and Google.

    The easiest and surest way to turn your meme coin into an overnight success is to choose a unique and humouristic name for it. All the popular meme coins were inspired by already popular memes or jokes, which made them an instant hit. Find a trending name for your coin, and you won’t have to do much else in terms of marketing.

    One way to do this is to look out for crypto-related posts of celebrities. Track these posts to find the mentions of attractive words, which you can use to name your coin. The key is to be one of the first to identify the trend and take action before others can.

    For instance, a post by Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave birth to a popular meme coin called zGOAT.

    A reader saw this as an opportunity to create a meme coin based on the post. Naturally, it went viral, as the meme had already become quite famous by the time.

    The idea is to recognize the trends before others do and use them to name your coins.

    Choose a Purpose for Your Meme Coin

    Though your meme coin doesn’t need to have a purpose, it’s good to have one, especially if you’re looking for long-term growth and success.

    Whatever purpose you choose for your coin, consider adding some charity factor to it, which is a growing trend these days. For instance, you can market your meme coin as a charitable token that gives away a part of each sale to help charitable causes.

    If you have already selected a theme or niche for your token, consider finding some reasonable charities or organizations in your industry that you can help through your token.

    You can define how it works, like what percentage of each meme coin sale goes to the charity. And make sure to develop your marketing around this purpose.

    Having a purpose may help your meme coin achieve new heights of success and attract people who are passionate about helping others while also looking to make quick bucks from trending subjects.

    Influencer Marketing for Meme Coin

    Influencer Marketing for Meme Coin

    One of the top digital marketing strategies for cryptocurrencies involves the use of crypto influencers to promote tokens. This also works for meme coins.

    There are hundreds of crypto influencers, experts and key opinion leaders promoting cryptocurrencies every day across social media, online forums, and blogs. This is great because influencers are considered subject-matter experts and trusted by their followers for recommendations.

    Find a crypto influencer who creates content in the same niche as yours and can talk to their audience about your meme coin, promoting its benefits and features and influencing their investment decision.

    The right tweet or post from the right person can do wonders to boost your project’s popularity and credibility in the market and attract a massive audience for your meme coin. But, remember, the key is to find an influencer whose content is relevant to your coin.

    Other than regular crypto influencers, you can seek support from KOLs to promote your token. These are highly trusted and well-respected influencers with considerable experience in their respective fields. They also have a substantial social following, which you can leverage to build your coin’s reputation in its target market.

    Social Media Marketing for Meme Tokens

    Social Media Marketing Package By SAG IPL
    Facebook profile/page
    Facebook Posting1 post/day2 posts/day3 posts/day
    Twitter profile creation
    Twitter posting1 tweet/day2 tweet/day3 tweet/day
    LinkedIn profile/page & posting
    Quora3 answers5 answers10 answers
    Reddit profile creation & optimization
    Reddit posting102040
    Telegram (Bot Creation + Auto Reply)102040

    Social media is a wonderful place to find people who might love your ‘meme’ coin, given that you use an interesting and engaging way to promote it. Here are some ways to meme coin marketing on social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram.

    Post share-worthy content

    Post memes, stories, photos, and jokes that resonate with the idea of your meme coin. Choose an attractive icon for your coin and use it on all your content to build authority and trust in your community.

    Get people to do your marketing

    Use your community to market your coin and expand its reach. Ask your community members to become ambassadors for your coin, helping promote it through engaging user-generated content, memes, videos, etc.

    Reward your community

    Reward your community to help promote your coin. Organize events, airdrops, giveaways, and more to pay your community back.

    Start new trends

    Use hashtags to start new trends around your meme token. Ask your community to create content using your hashtags and share and engage with your content.

    Host AMA

    Host Ask Me Anything sessions with top news sites, social channels and influencers to expand knowledge about your meme coin and educate potential buyers. Give free tokens to participants and loyal followers.

    Meme Coin White Paper and Website

    Meme Coin White Paper and Website

    A white paper is a dedicated document containing various details of a project, such as its mission, vision, scope, target market, project concept, product, platform, technology, token sale, project roadmap, team, and more.

    Every project needs a white paper, especially crypto projects, where a white paper is a crucial document for investors and potential users to find important information about a project.

    Similarly, you’ll need a website to showcase a concise summary of your meme coin, highlighting its features and benefits for users and what makes it stand out from others.

    Also, many crypto creators prefer to conduct their token sales on their websites. If this is the case, you need to create a meme coin website with user login and wallet facilities. Contact SAG IPL to know how it’s done.

    Your website can be a brilliant marketing tool as well. Besides providing useful and engaging content on your site about your meme coin, you can further use it to spread information about your project, share news, and post updates by creating a dedicated blog and getting your readers to subscribe.

    Then, build some good quality backlinks to your crypto website through techniques such as content marketing, guest blogging, outreach, etc.

    List Your Meme Coin on Crypto Sites

    List Your Meme Coin on Crypto Sites

    Another and probably the easiest way to expand the reach of your new meme token and let more people know about it is to get it listed on top coin listing and tracking sites.

    A cryptocurrency listing or tracking site is a platform that tracks the live performances of many top crypto-coins, allowing users to gain accurate data and insights into the crypto market. CoinMarketCap is a popular example.

    A crypto tracking site is usually the first place a potential investor would go to when looking to research a cryptocurrency, look into its past performance, and evaluate its growth potential based on factors such as demand and 24-hour trade volume.

    Find all the crypto listing and tracking sites you can and start listing your meme coin there. Make sure to choose the right category to avoid confusion. Also, it’s important to update your project’s correct and complete information on these sites.

    Some popular coin listing and tracking sites you can consider listing your token on include CoinMarketCap, Coingecko, and CoinCheckup.

    The benefit of getting your meme coin added on these sites is that these established platforms receive a considerable amount of crypto traffic and searches and help you get more exposure and reach more investors or buyers.

    Crypto Advertising and Paid Marketing

    Crypto Advertising Package By SAG IPL
    Sponsored CMS Posts
    Banner Ads
    Premium & Featured ICO Listings
    Paid Social Media Members Increasing

    Most of the meme coin marketing techniques we discussed above are organic, i.e. involve zero costs to implement, except for, maybe, influencer marketing.

    If you want faster results and have a bigger marketing budget, it is wise to spend some of it on paid campaigns, which involve advertising your meme coin and project using advertising on Search and relevant crypto platforms, sites and social media.

    Many coin tracking sites, including Coingecko, allow advertisements, which is a great way to appear right in front of your target audience, even when you’re a new coin.

    The process of crypto advertising involves signing up with relevant platforms, where you can display your ads to your target audience. Preparing your ad campaign is the next step, which involves creating an attractive and engaging display ad with brief information about your meme coin or sale. Here’s an example:

    Crypto Ad Marketing

    Try experimenting with different content, graphics and offers to see what works best for your meme coin ad campaign.

    Using Community-driven Platforms and Forums

    Another way to find potential investors and buyers for your meme coin is to search on relevant crypto communities and forums, such as bitcointalk.

    You can easily find many cryptocurrency groups on popular social platforms like Reddit and Telegram. There are dedicated subreddits (groups or pages) for different cryptocurrencies and industries, so you can join them and promote your meme coin there.

    Join subreddits for meme coins and talk about your meme coin there but not too extensively. Avoid sharing too many links. Participate in discussions. Share genuine content and feedback, and gather user interest in your token by sharing its unique features and selling points.

    There are many popular crypto subreddits you can follow and join to organically market your project. Some options include:

    • /r/CryptoCurrency
    • /r/CryptoMarkets
    • /r/CryptoMoonShots
    • /r/SatoshiStreetBets
    • /r/CryptoTechnology
    • /r/memecoinmoonshots

    Start with a detailed post of your coin, introducing your meme token, its origin, story, concept, tokenomics, etc. Add a link to your website and social media links.

    Similarly, you can join Telegram groups related to the crypto niche. These are a good platform to find and connect with fellow crypto enthusiasts, creators and investors who might be interested in your meme coin.

    Remember to always use authentic and engaging content to promote your meme coin to impress potential buyers. High-quality content on these community sites can help drive significant traffic and ROI for your meme coin project.

    Conclusion – Hire a Meme Coin Marketing Agency

    While you can always create and promote your meme coin by yourself using the step-by-step process explained above, an easier and more assuring way to achieve the desired results would be to look for token marketing services from SAG IPL.

    As a seasoned meme coin marketing company, SAG IPL has experience in working with hundreds of projects in the cryptocurrency space to help them create and/or elevate their marketing campaigns to ensure efforts meet results.

    Whether you’re a startup or a billion-dollar enterprise, whether you want more popularity or looking to boost credibility for your new meme coin, we can help with the best meme token marketing strategies that’ll work for you.

    Whatever marketing strategy or methods you use, make sure to keep a focus on promoting the core idea and purpose of your meme coin. Contact us for a tailored marketing strategy to help your meme coin get instant exposure, reach and hype in your market.

    By Atul Mittal A Technical Content Writer

    Atul is a passionate writer with 8+ years of experience in creating content across domains ranging from crypto marketing, blockchain development and digital marketing for different industries. My expertise lies in marketing content and highly engaging website copies that impress readers and boost ROI. Email :

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