Mobile SEO Marketing: A Guide by Mobile SEO Agency [2024]

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Mobile SEO Marketing

Are you wondering how to optimize a website for mobile devices? Do you want to learn mobile SEO marketing from scratch? Then, you’re at the right place.

Mobile devices, smartphones and tablets, today, have become as common as televisions in the 2000s. According to a SAG IPL survey, approx 7.1 billion of the global population owns a smartphone or a mobile device in March 2024.

The number of active mobile devices in the world has already surpassed the total global population, which means some people now own two smartphones each or a smartphone and a tablet device.

Mobile SEO or mobile search engine optimization refers to optimizing your website for mobile devices in order to get the best out of your mobile audience, i.e. potential customers who may be using a smartphone or tablet to search for or find your business, products or services.

This mobile SEO guide explains what mobile search engine optimization is, why mobile SEO optimization is important now more than ever, and how to optimize your website for mobile devices.

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    Introduction to Mobile SEO

    Wondering what it means to have your website optimized for mobile? As a leading mobile SEO agency, here we explain the basics of mobile SEO marketing, including how a mobile-optimized site can help your business grow.

    What is mobile SEO?

    Mobile SEO refers to a search engine optimization practice where a target website is optimized to rank higher in mobile search (Google search on mobile) and to improve the user experience on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

    Due to Google’s mobile-first index policy, it has become more crucial now than ever for a website to be optimized for mobile devices in order to get indexed by Google.

    Mobile SEO strategy involves a number of practices, including the on-page optimization of a website to make sure that it works seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes. This includes optimizing the website design, content, layout, navigation and accessibility.

    Criteria for a mobile-responsive site:

    • It works well across all devices
    • Content is accessible and visible on mobile devices
    • Loads quickly on mobile
    • Images load properly and in good quality
    • All internal links and redirects are working on the mobile
    • UX is optimized for mobile

    Importance of Mobile SEO Optimization

    Mobile SEO is important for the following two reasons:

    1. The number of mobile users and searches has been growing exponentially over the past decade.
    2. Google’s mobile-first index policy

    In 2024, more than 63% of all Google searches were from mobile devices. This number is only going to increase every year because the number of smartphone users is also increasing.

    Mobile StatisticsValue
    Mobile Device TrafficApprox 63%
    Mobile Phone Internet UsersApprox 92%
    Active Mobile Internet UsersApprox 4.30 Billion
    Global 5G Connections (by 2025)Approx 1 billion
    Researched by SAG IPL

    Why should it matter to you?

    As an online business or website, you might be receiving a major portion of your internet traffic from search engines like Google. With more than half of all searchers using mobile devices, they’d expect your website to work well on mobile.

    Google’s mobile-first index

    If your website is not optimized for mobile – when a user searches for your product or service on Google mobile search, your website might not appear on the first page (even if it is ranking at the top position in desktop search). This is because Google favours mobile-optimized sites and indexes them first for a keyword.

    In other words, Google’s search results are now optimized for mobile users FIRST and to rank websites that are optimized for mobile.

    On-responsive site means poor user experience

    If your site is not mobile-optimized but is still appearing on the first page for a mobile search, when a user clicks on it, they will see a website that is either too distorted or very difficult to read, something like this:

    There is a good chance that users will leave your website or switch to a competitor if they do not get a good first impression on mobile.

    Mobile SEO marketing can make sure that not only your website ranks at the top positions for the mobile search but also that it is designed to seamlessly work on all devices to ensure a great user experience on your website no matter the device.

    Mobile SEO isn’t the same as Desktop SEO

    Did you know that almost 30% of pages ranking on the first page of Google on desktop search do not appear on the first page (top 10 results) when searching on mobile devices?

    In other words, even if your website is ranking well in desktop searches, it might not rank well in mobile search results.

    This is why you need a professional mobile SEO agency.

    All Mobile SEO Services by SAG IPL

    If your website doesn’t load or work similarly across all devices, you need our mobile SEO services to optimize your site for mobile search and devices.

    1. Creating a Mobile Version of Your Website

    If you already have a desktop website for your business, which is not optimized for mobile devices, your first and the most affordable option would be to create a mobile version (.M) of your existing site.

    In other words, you’ll have a separate website for mobile devices, and every time someone opens your site on a mobile device, they are automatically redirected to the mobile version website.

    The SAG IPL team can help you create a separate mobile version of your site, if this is what you’re looking for. We’ll first create a new website with the same design (but mobile responsive) and the same content as your desktop site. Then, we’ll set up the necessary redirects to ensure your mobile users are automatically redirected to your mobile site.

    The drawback of having a mobile version of your site is that managing two separate websites can be sometimes complex. Moreover, there can be SEO issues with the use of redirects and canonical on your site.

    2. Responsive Website Design

    The best option, of course, is to use a responsive design.

    Responsive Website Design
    Source: Giphy

    A responsive web design works seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes. This type of web design is not created for a particular device but performs well on all types of devices and platforms.

    The best part of using a responsive web design is that you do not need to have separate websites (URL) or create different HTML/CSS for different devices.

    Even in terms of SEO, a responsive website design is considered the best out of all options because of its mobile-friendliness, minimal SEO issues, and built-in user-friendliness.

    How it works.

    Creating a responsive website for your existing business site will involve creating a fresh web design that is mobile-responsive. We can help you build a custom, mobile-responsive website that is created to resize and adapt to all standard devices and screen sizes.

    In the next step, we will move your existing website to the new responsive design. This is a quick and smooth process and doesn’t affect your website’s quality, search engine rankings or traffic. In fact, the new design will only improve your users’ experience.

    Hire professional responsive web design service from SAG IPL to get your perfect mobile-responsive website today at the lowest price in the market.

    Our websites are built to work smartly and fluently on all devices, load fast and are optimized for search engines. Contact us to book a free consultation today.

    3. Mobile SEO – Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Search

    Now that your site is all set to entertain your mobile visitors with a responsive design, it’s time to focus on improving your mobile user experience through mobile SEO.

    Here we cover things related to optimizing your website for mobile search on Google and other search engines.

    Optimizing Robots.txt

    Robots.txt is a file on your website that can be used to prevent certain pages or parts on your website from getting crawled or indexed by Google.

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /category/
    Disallow: /author/
    Disallow: /wp-content/

    Many websites block search engine bots from accessing certain parts such as CSS, Javascript and some crucial pages on their sites. This can have a negative impact on your site’s mobile SEO because Google needs to crawl the entire page in order to determine whether it’s mobile-friendly.

    Unless Google is sure that your page is optimized for mobile, it might not rank it in its mobile-first index.

    To correct this, we check and optimize the robots.txt file on your website to make sure that Googlebots are able to crawl every important page on your site fully.

    At the same time, you must try and show all the content on your site to your mobile users as well. Sometimes, some websites hide certain content from their mobile users, which is not a good mobile SEO practice, as Google might ignore or give less value to the hidden content when indexing your mobile website.

    Optimizing popups for your mobile website

    Popups are used by many websites as a form of marketing to collect leads or help turn leads through personalized offers.

    However, most users hate it when they see a popup on a website, and they hate it more when the popup is too big to see or access the actual content. Google hates it as well.

    If your website has popup ads, you must make sure that these are optimized for your mobile website.

    Did you know there is a Google update that penalizes websites with “intrusive” popups?

    An intrusive popup is one that –

    • Is too big to see anything else
    • Blocks most or all of the page
    • Is not easy or impossible to reject

    To optimize your mobile site popups, we redesign them to properly fit mobile screens without being intrusive. At the same time, we make sure that the option to cancel a popup is clear and accessible.

    4. Link Building & Off-page Mobile SEO

    Link-building services are as crucial for mobile websites as for desktop sites. Google uses backlinks as one of the major factors to determine the quality and relevance of a mobile web page when ranking it in mobile search results.

    Off-page Mobile SEO Services

    The process of building backlinks for a mobile website or the mobile version of a desktop site is more or less similar to the general SEO link-building process.

    Our mobile SEO marketing team will create & use high-quality, engaging content to generate natural backlinks for your mobile website to boost your search engine rankings and traffic.

    Here are some top mobile SEO link building tactics that we use:

    • Article submission
    • Blog writing
    • Guest blogging
    • Blog commenting
    • Forums & community marketing
    • PR & News links
    • Directory links
    • Replicating competitor links
    • Content for links – Infographics, video, image sharing, surveys, etc.
    • Broken Link Building
    • Link Reclamation
    • Social media links

    Other than building high-quality backlinks to your mobile website, we also use multiple other off-page marketing techniques, including promotion on social media, email marketing, influencer marketing, YouTube marketing, and content marketing to further boost your brand exposure, reach and reputation on mobile internet.

    5. UX Optimization – Optimizing Your Site for User Experience

    One of the crucial aspects of the mobile SEO guide is UX optimization, i.e. improving the user experience of your mobile website to ensure that your mobile users love it.

    UX Optimization

    Here’s how we do it:

    Mobile site speed optimization

    Your site’s speed is an important factor for both Google and your mobile users.

    Same as desktop search, Google prefers mobile sites that load faster for ranking in mobile searches. Google recommends that a mobile site should load in less than one second.

    Mobile users, of course, prefer to use websites that load fast and will most probably leave your website if it takes too much time to load.

    We use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to check your site’s speed on mobile. Our team will use the tool’s recommendations to find & remove bugs and improve your mobile site’s speed.

    Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool Report

    Making your content user-friendly

    It is obvious that the content on your mobile website should be very easy and maybe fun to read.

    If users have to pinch or scroll a lot to read your content on mobile, they might rather prefer to go to a competitor’s site which is more mobile-friendly.

    When optimizing your site for mobile, we also make sure that your content is easy to access, view and read on all types of devices. This includes using big and readable fonts, keeping lines and paragraphs shorter, and using high contrast for text to make it easier to read outside.

    Use HTML5 instead of Flash

    Flash doesn’t work on mobile devices, so if your site has videos or animated content, then you must consider coding them in HTML5, which is a mobile-friendly markup language.

    Use the “Viewport Content” tag

    If you are using a responsive website design, make sure to use the viewport meta tag on your site to allow pages to automatically adapt to the user’s device or screen size.

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    If you are not using the viewport tag, your website content might not render properly on mobile.

    Mobile SEO Tips from SAG IPL SEO Experts

    SEO Services by SAGIPL

    Here are a few tips from our mobile SEO experts that you can try to further boost user experience on your mobile website:

    1. Use small header images for mobile users – large images in the header might undervalue your actual content or make it difficult to access or read.
    2. Use a clear design with a lot of blank space between text and other elements to keep it uncluttered and attractive.
    3. Use easily accessible social share buttons on your mobile site to boost the number of social shares for your content on mobile.
    4. To improve your mobile CTR (click-through rate), optimize your meta tags to appear correctly and fully in mobile search results.
    5. Analyze your mobile bounce rate by using your Google Analytics account (Site Content–>Landing Pages) and check the bounce rate for mobile devices (Secondary Dimension–> Device Category).
    6. If the bounce rate is high for a particular page on mobile, open the page on a mobile device to see what’s causing the problem.
    7. To boost your mobile site’s speed, compress your images, use browser cache, and set up a CDN.
    8. Use Schema structured data to get the best out of mobile SERPs by getting featured in top results by reviews, highlighted images and more to boost your CTR.

    Mobile SEO Packages of SAG IPL

    So, you have learned all there is to learn about how to optimize a website for mobile devices, or, in other words, how to do mobile SEO marketing.

    If you are looking to hire a professional mobile SEO expert or outsource mobile SEO services, you may want to take a look at our highly popular SEO packages offered at very competitive prices in the market.

    What is Monthly SEO Pricing?

    So, we offer three standard mobile SEO packages:

    1. Basic SEO package: at $499 per month
    2. Advanced package: $999/month
    3. Premium package: $1499/month

    The cost of mobile SEO service will also depend on the number of keywords you need targeting, the number of postings on-site and offsite, the estimated ranking you’re looking for in 1,2,3 months, the estimated traffic you want, and the average length of each blog.

    All industries We Serve

    As a professional mobile SEO agency, SAG IPL provides quality-driven SEO services in a variety of industries, including but not limited to:

    • SEO for Fashion
    • Healthcare SEO
    • Furniture
    • Education SEO
    • Property Management SEO
    • Automotive
    • Events SEO
    • Retail SEO
    • Finance SEO
    • Beauty
    • Media & Entertainment
    • Legal/Lawyer SEO
    • Dental
    • Law Firm Marketing
    • Hotel & Restaurants
    • Cleaning Business SEO
    • Security Agency SEO

    Customer Testimonials – Mobile SEO Agency

    Stories of people & companies who benefitted from SAG IPL’s top SEO services.

    “I am truly grateful that I found SAG IPL as Mobile SEO Agency. Thanks to their brilliant mobile SEO services and support, my website came to the first page of Google from nowhere in just about 3 months.”

    “The SEO specialists at SAG IPL are not just good at their job but they are truly inspiring with their hard work and commitment towards the success of their clients. I highly recommend this SEO company.”

    Mobile SEO FAQ

    What is mobile SEO?

    Mobile search engine optimization refers to the practice of optimizing a website or business for mobile search and mobile users. A lot of people use smartphones to search on Google. Mobile SEO can help increase your mobile website’s ranking and get you more traffic from mobile search results.

    Why is mobile SEO important?

    Over 60% of all Google searches come from mobile devices.

    Mobile SEO marketing involves optimizing your website for mobile so that your site appears its best when opened on mobile devices like smartphones and the content is easy to navigate and read on mobile. Mobile SEO strategy can also help your site rank higher for mobile search queries.

    How is mobile SEO different from ASO?

    Mobile SEO may refer to mobile website SEO or app SEO, which are two different things. Mobile website SEO involves optimizing a website for mobile searches and offering a great experience to mobile users. App store optimization or ASO refers to optimizing a mobile app for ranking in the app store.

    What is the mobile-first index?

    Google’s mobile-first index involves crawling and indexing the mobile version of a website first over its desktop version. In other words, Google now favours the mobile version of a website over the desktop version for indexing and ranking in search results due to the increasing number of mobile searches.

    Hope this detailed mobile SEO guide will help you to enhance your online business.

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    By Mohsin Qureshi SEO Strategy and Growth Leader

    Mohsin Qureshi is a seasoned digital marketer with over 12 years of experience, including 7 years working as a Team Leader in SAG IPL. His expertise lies in SEO, SMO, PPC, influencer marketing, and strategy building with a focus on driving impactful results and growth for businesses. With a keen eye for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Mohsin has been delivering tailored digital marketing strategies and solutions to help businesses excel online. LinkedIn

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