Top Web App Development Stats

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Top Web App Development Stats

Web Apps have all grown ups in the last few years, And now they are not forcing users to download a separate mobile app for the best user experience.

With modern technologies and better resources, they are improving day by day, and now users can browse, and perform tasks without any hurdles.

Due to the long list of benefits and solid comeback, the demand for web app development in the market is increasing and that’s why we are going to introduce you to the top Mobile App Development Company in India, we are also including some states of the previous year so you will easily observe the improvement of this field in last few years.

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    Key Pointers Regarding Web Applications:

    • In around 9 out of 10 web applications, users can be attacked by hackers. Some usual type of attacks is redirecting users to another dangerous resource, phishing attacks for stealing credential, and infecting computers with malware, adware, and spyware.
    • On 39% of the sites, Unauthorized access to the application is possible. As per reports of 2019 on 16 percent of web applications full control of the system can be obtained. On 8% of the system full control of the web application allowed attacking the local network.
    • Breaches of sensitive data were a threat in 68% of web applications. Some reports also stated that there is a 47% chance of breaches for personal data and around 31% for Credentials.

    Vulnerability Statistics

    • Around 82 % of issues were found in the application code itself.
    • On average, the number of vulnerabilities per web application reached one-third compared to 2018. As per reports each system had 22 vulnerabilities on average and, out of these 22, 4 were highly risky.
    • In 2019, one out of 5 vulnerabilities were highly Vulnerable.


    • The percentage of web applications having high-risk vulnerable code dropped 17% compared to the previous year. 
    • The average number of high-risk vulnerabilities on a single website also dropped significantly in 2019. Previous 5 Year records also show the effect of consistent improvement.

    Web App Stats Related to Web Design

    • 38% of website visitors will stop visiting your website if the content or the design is not engaging and attractive.
    • On average, 48 % of people admitted that the design of the website is the primary thing that determines the credibility of the business.
    • Around 47% of people want a website or webpage to be completely loaded in a maximum of 2 seconds.
    • If we give 15 minutes of time to read something on the internet, then around 59% of them will spend time on well-designed and engaging content rather than something boring and plain.
    • Around 64% of people trust websites to have proper contact details.
    • WordPress with around 35% of the market share, is one of the most popular and in-demand CMS. 
    •  90% of users access a website with different screen size devices.

    Web Design and Development Stats: Speed & Mobile

    • Around 47% of people prefer websites that load within 2 seconds.
    • A normal website gets only 10 seconds to impress visitors.
    • Visitors on average take only 5 seconds to decide to stay or leave on a website.
    • If a website can reduce the load time from 8 seconds to 2 seconds then the conversation rate will go up to 74%
    • Around 92% of small business web apps become completely mobile-free in the year 2019.
    • Around 94% of people judge websites on the basis of their mobile friendliness.

    Read Also: New App Development Opportunities in India (After Chinese Apps Ban)

    Dating Web App Usage

    • As per the online survey reports, only 6% of adults in the United States stated that they were currently using a dating website or app. 
    • Around 73% of adults in the United States stated that they never used a dating website or app before.
    • Around 14 % of respondents aged between 18 to 34 years said that they are using a dating website or app, on the other hand, 9% percent of respondents aged between 35 to 54 years reported similar responses.
    • The statistic shows us that 9 % of male respondents stated that they are using a dating page. On the other hand, only 3% of female respondents said that they are using a dating app.

    Effect of Covid19 on Web app development

    Statista reports after analyzing overall activities for online fashion retailers in France during the time period when it was badly hit by the Covid-19 outbreak between February 24, and March 29, 2020, and compared it to the reports from January 6th to February 16th, 2020. The report shows us that:

    • Until March 15, there was a huge decline of 31% in online traffic. The average session duration also declined by around 16%, and page visits per session declined by 15 percent. The total conversation also dropped by 50% and the conversation rate fell down by almost 24%.
    • Just after this week 22 % more decline has been reported in the website traffic, however page speed per session reported a spike as compared to the previous week, and from a hefty loss of 14.85%, it reached a 4.76 percent loss.
    • Between 23rd to 29th March overall traffic has improved but it was still reported a loss of 44%. Similarly, the session duration has been improved slightly but the total conversion continued to fall down by 58%.
    • The COVID-19 epidemic encouraged most businesses to put some serious effort into their online presence, with web design and development proving to be one of the fastest-growing IT industries.
    • Remote work has stimulated demand for web security and “conversation-centric features”  in web development and designing projects. 
    • 71% increase in security threats or attacks since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak, these attacks include fraudulent web pages, E-mail phishing, malware, and ransomware.

    The Statistic also shows the activity and performance of sector-wise online commerce in France during March and April Month.

    As per the report, between February 24, and April 26th, 2020, travel and tourism websites were badly hit by the Coronavirus.

    This sector reported around a 79% fall in terms of traffic, after the automobile industry has also reported a huge fall of approximately 60% as of March 29th, compared to the week between February 6 and 16, 2020.

    As expected, Online pharmacies reported a huge increase in traffic of around 64% on March 15th.

    Online Pharmacies were not the only sector that reported huge growth in traffic, General retailers and mass distribution reported almost 200 percent growth in traffic rates as of March 29th. 

    The website traffic in all sectors reported growth at around a 10 % rate until March 22nd, and then until March 29th, the growth rate reached almost 20 %. 

    Hire Dedicated Web Developer

    Reports state that until April 26, High-Tech and Marketplaces traffic rates increased by 26 %, and Banks and Insurance reported around 7%, as compared to the week in January.

    Online banking and insurance performances report by Statista in which it compared reports of 24th of February and 29th of March 2020 and January 6th to February 16th, 2020 show that in France as of March 29, 2020, states that, Until March 15, there was a downfall of around 5% in online traffic, 2% in average duration but page visits per session rose at 6%.

    In the next week, there were some positive signs, the traffic went from -4.77% to just -1.23%. Until 22nd March the page visit per session went up by around 16.

    Furthermore, between 23rd and 29th March, there was a growth of 26% in overall traffic, the average duration of the session also improved and the page visit reached thrice as compared to the reports of the previous week.


    We provided some of the web app development stats, which show the journey of the web apps and also show how well it made a comeback.

    We would also like to mention here that just like any other field web development in 2020 is also affected by the COVID-19 outbreak but it will be back on track soon, and all the problems can be easily resolved soon.

    If you are looking for a reputed web app developer then SAG IPL is here for you with Hire web developer services at affordable costs.

    SAG IPL is a decade-old IT organization with dozens of experts proficient in each domain including developing, marketing, and innovating as per market demands.

    So, don’t wait, hire web app developers now from SAG IPL and start your dream project. Call us now and enjoy our world-class services.

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    By Amit Gupta Founder and CEO of SAG IPL

    Amit Gupta, who is the CEO and Founder of SAG IPL, founded this company with the vision to become the #1 provider of quality-driven and cost-effective blockchain marketing and development services in the world. As a Chartered Accountant with a keen interest in software and web development, he manages a team of over 200 professionals, comprising designers, developers, and marketers, committed to delivering top-notch web, software, mobile, and blockchain solutions to clients worldwide. Linkedin


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