10 Reasons Why You Need Digital Marketing Services for Your Business

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Why You Need Digital Marketing for Your Business

Ever wondered why your Rival Businesses are growing faster and acquiring customers at Double the Speed as you?

The answer is simple…!!

These businesses are expanding faster and connecting with existing and potential customers in a more interactive manner through digital marketing services.

Digital marketing, in essence, refers to the art of promoting or creating brand awareness among customers using the phenomenon called the INTERNET.

Employing digital marketing tactics alongside traditional marketing strategies is a great way for you to grow your business at a 10x pace, acquire new customers, and improve your brand’s online visibility.

    Not sure yet?

    Well, here are 10 genuine reasons why you need digital marketing for your business:

    1. Get Proper Direction & Goals

    Proper Direction and Goals

    Yes, building a proper digital marketing strategy or campaign helps your company get clear direction and proper goals in terms of

    • Acquiring new customers online
    • Building deeper client relationships
    • Improving Online Visibility

    Without specific goals, it’s hard to actually predict what kind of results you want from your online digital campaign.

    Writing a well-defined marketing strategy at the start of an online campaign will also help you define your target audience and achieve the desired results.

    101 Inexpensive Digital Marketing Ideas To Boost 100% Business Growth

    2. Customers Prefer Digital Today

    Customer Prefer Digital Today

    According to the 2019 most reliable research surveys:

    • “82% of consumers check online reviews and ratings of the product before buying it”
    • “Close to 25%, of customers use social media and blogs to find new products, services and emerging brands”
    • “60% of the customers say they can’t live without their smartphones in 2019 and beyond”

    Whether you believe it or not, your customers and potential customers are all online. Today, if someone has an interest in your business, but they are unable to find a positive review about you online, they will simply choose someone else.

    This is the way people do business today. If not all, most of your clients and customers do an online analysis of your business before choosing you.

    Hence, it is vital for you to form a clear and coherent digital marketing strategy to shape your business online and connect better with potential customers.

    3. Track & Monitor Your Digital Campaign and its Results Easily

    Track Digital Campaign Result

    Today, digital marketing programs for businesses work on a simple Mantra”


    With a well-planned digital marketing campaign put in place, you get the advantage to see what kind of online promotional tactics are working and what isn’t for you and your business.

    This valuable information will also help you identify ROI and further areas of improvement to optimize your running digital campaign as well as improve your future online marketing programs based on the current findings.

    A plethora of digital marketing analytics tools like Google Analytics is already present in the market to help digital marketers and business owners like you get a wealth of useful data about your campaign.

    You can easily check and test different ad content of your campaign to see whether they resonate with your target audience.

    Also, you can check the number of visitors on your site, page views, average user time spent on your site, conversation rate, bounce rate, etc. easily. All such data help optimize your marketing campaign immensely.

    4. Save Cost, Increase ROI from Your Marketing Efforts

    Increase ROI from Your Marketing Efforts

    According to the Gartner report,

    “40% of the business reported Increased Cost Savings After Implementing one of the Digital Marketing Tactics to Promote their Product or Services ”.

    How Digital Marketing tactics Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) is better compared to traditional marketing methods:

    Investing in digital marketing promotional methods can also have a better Return on Investment (ROI) than traditional media and marketing channels.

    With the facility to track and monitor campaign activities and immediate result analysis, digital marketing helps you realize your ROI easily compared to traditional methods.

    5. Increase Your Business Reach

    Increase Business Reach

    Traditional marketing methods local print or radio ads limit your reach to targeted customer demographics or geographic locations.

    With digital marketing, those boundaries get blurred as you get the opportunity to look beyond that target audience and find new customers across oceans through new ways of digital-driven marketing.

    Also, the new, effective ways of digital marketing give you increased customer exposure and build effective brand recognition.

    If you have a product or service that you believe is beneficial for the global audience or larger demographic, you better start with digital marketing to promote the same.

    Through tailored blog content, social media and search engines, the possibilities are unlimited with digital marketing to help your brand, product or service shine in the online space.

    6. Engage Better, Improve Customer Relationships

    Improve Customer Relationships

    Digital marketing is also a great tool to foster superior customer relationships for your business. It helps you establish two-way communication with your customers, unlike one-way communication in traditional channels.

    Through digital marketing, your business gets an opportunity to provide a more personalized, interactive experience to your customers.

    Wondering how?

    Posting interactive ads, tailored product recommendations and social media promotions are some of the ways in which digital marketing helps you engage with your customers in a better way.

    Through the social media vertical of digital marketing, you can engage & communicate better with customers, start discussions about your brand and also respond to all customer queries about your brand.

    According to the Ironpaper survey:

    “93% of customers’ product purchase decisions are influenced by Social Media.”

    All these are some great ways to increase customer satisfaction, which can lead to repeat sales and customer referrals for your business.

    7. Your Competitors are Also Online…!

    Competitors Analysis

    If you are still confused about why you need digital marketing for your business, here are some facts to help you understand:

    According to the Hubspot data:

    94% of B2B marketers use One of the Digital marketing tactics to promote their business”

    66% of customer purchase decisions are influenced by product video ads on social media channels.

    Not only that big brands using digital marketing strategies, but they are also increasing their spending on online promotion. Brands like Amazon, Procter & Gamble, General Motors, etc. spend more than $ 3 billion on Marketing.

    An average company with 100 employees has also allocated 42% of its marketing budget to Online Promotion.

    8. Here Digital Appearance Matters

    Digital Appearance Matters
    source: google

    It’s impossible to think of any business without a digital appearance nowadays. The first effect and impact can be monitored because of here.

    Also, the digital appearance will lead to your customers and their demands directly. Through any social media platform, you can directly communicate and showcase your products and business to them.

    If you look around, everyone either belongs to the government or non-government has a digital presence. Along with your competitors as well. Digital presence includes a website, social media platforms, along with your certain apps if applicable.

    You should do this all because by changing times, mobile becomes a very convenient source through which you can reach instantly to your customers.

    9. With Digital Marketing, You can Respond to Trends in Real-time

    Respond to Trends in Real-time
    source: google

    You can react instantly to current developments with digital marketing. This can increase brand loyalty and position your company as a leader.

    Traditional marketing materials take time to develop, produce, and distribute; digital marketing strategies move a little faster. Develop a blog or social media content, for instance, within an hour, or utilize SMS marketing to send the message right away.

    10. Digital Marketing Tactics Pair Well With Traditional Print Marketing

    Digital marketing tactics pair well with traditional print marketing
    source: google

    Many businesses believe they cannot switch back to traditional marketing once they go digital. However, combining the two gives you “the best of both worlds” in terms of luring in and keeping clients. To maximize outcomes, take into account each marketing strategy’s advantages and make use of them.

    How Digital Marketing is Helping Businesses?

    Digital marketing is fast becoming an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy. From connecting with potential customers to increase revenue, digital marketing is helping businesses reach their goals in a variety of ways.

    Digital marketing refers to the use of digital platforms to reach and engage with customers. This includes everything from search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing to email campaigns and display advertising.

    With the rise of digital platforms, businesses are now able to reach out to a vast audience of potential customers and build relationships with them that were not possible earlier.

    Here are just some of the ways digital marketing is helping businesses:

    Increased Reach and Visibility:

    Digital marketing gives businesses the opportunity to reach a larger audience than ever before. With the use of SEO, businesses can ensure that their content is visible on search engines, thereby driving more traffic to their website.

    Additionally, businesses can use social media platforms to reach their target audiences, build relationships, and create brand awareness.

    Improved Lead Generation:

    Digital marketing helps businesses generate more leads through targeted campaigns. By targeting specific demographics, businesses can ensure that their campaigns are reaching the right people, thereby achieving higher conversion rates.

    Additionally, digital marketing allows businesses to track the performance of their campaigns, allowing them to make adjustments as needed and focus their efforts on the most successful strategies.

    Increased Customer Acquisition:

    Digital marketing helps businesses acquire new customers by targeting the right audience. By using targeted ads and campaigns, companies can ensure that their messages are reaching the right people and driving more conversions.

    Additionally, businesses can use retargeting strategies to nurture existing leads and encourage them to make a purchase.

    Increased Sales and Revenues:

    Digital marketing helps businesses to increase their revenue by providing an effective platform to reach their target audience. From SEO and social media marketing to email campaigns and display ads, businesses have many ways to reach their target customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

    Additionally, digital marketing allows businesses to track their campaigns and measure their return on investment, ensuring that their efforts are paying off.


    This shows that the majority of brands today are using some form of digital marketing tactics to reach out to their ideal customers online. Hence, it is important for your business to match up with your rivals for survival in the ever-growing online marketing space.

    If you are still not sure whether your business needs digital marketing services or wants to consult with an expert. Feel free to reach one of the best SEO companies like SAG IPL.

    Need Digital Marketing for Your Business?
    Don’t Worry About It!

    Contact SAG IPL Now!

    Image Source: hubspot, marketreportgazette, cxotoday

    By Amit Gupta Founder and CEO of SAG IPL

    Amit Gupta, who is the CEO and Founder of SAG IPL, founded this company with the vision to become the #1 provider of quality-driven and cost-effective blockchain marketing and development services in the world. As a Chartered Accountant with a keen interest in software and web development, he manages a team of over 200 professionals, comprising designers, developers, and marketers, committed to delivering top-notch web, software, mobile, and blockchain solutions to clients worldwide. Linkedin


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