Local SEO vs Global SEO: Which One Do You Need in 2024?

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Local SEO vs Global SEO

If you’re confused between local SEO and global SEO or wondering what all the buzz is about, you’re at the right place. Here’s all you need to know about local SEO vs global SEO.

SEO is beneficial for both local businesses and large companies. Local SEO refers to promoting a local or brick-and-mortar business online to boost its digital presence for a specific location or area, allowing more potential customers in that area to find and reach the business through Google Search.

Global SEO, on the other hand, involves promoting a multinational business across its different target markets (multiple countries) using content in multiple languages to enable Google to serve language-specific results to target users in different locations.

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    Why Local SEO Vs Global SEO Matters

    If you are planning to use search engine optimization to boost your business’s online reach, presence and credibility and acquire new customers, it is crucial to first analyze local SEO vs global SEO to determine the right SEO strategy for your specific business needs and goals.

    While the right SEO strategies and techniques can help build your online presence to generate more valuable leads and traffic for your business, the wrong or inefficient SEO methods can end up wasting your time and money for results that aren’t good for anything.

    The simplest difference between local SEO and Global SEO is that the former works for local businesses while the latter is suitable for businesses with a global presence. Read further to know more.

    The Basics of Local and Global SEO

    SEO Services

    Before we get into the differences between local SEO and global SEO, it is imperative to understand what these two types of SEO stand for and why there is a need for different SEO strategies for different business types.

    Local SEO is a digital marketing strategy exclusively used for local businesses.

    What’s a local business?

    A local business is one with a local presence or a physical address, such as a store, an office or a warehouse. Their location is imperative to their business because they usually sell their products or services to customers in a particular geographical area.

    Local SEO is a search engine optimization strategy to help local businesses expand or solidify their online presence to allow potential customers searching online (on Google) for their products/services to find and reach them easily.

    On the other hand, global SEO is a digital marketing strategy for global businesses.

    What’s a global business?

    A global business usually has a presence in multiple locations or countries. A multinational business, for example, provides services or has offices in multiple countries. These businesses can use Global SEO to target a broader audience across a global market.

    How is SEO Beneficial for Local and Global Businesses?

    SEO to Grow Business

    SEO has several advantages for all kinds of businesses.

    With almost 70% of consumers searching online for products, services or businesses, SEO can help get your business or website on the first page of Google so that you receive more traffic and sales.

    Almost 2 out of every 3 customers search online before visiting a local store or business. Building your digital presence through local SEO will make it easy for potential customers to find your business on Google while allowing your business to appear more frequently in relevant search results to be seen by more potential customers in your service area.

    Similarly, a company with clients in multiple countries or a business looking to expand to other regions can use SEO to promote their products or services online and expand their digital presence beyond borders to acquire more customers and grow sales.

    SEO is favoured over other digital marketing strategies for many reasons, such as:

    • SEO is cost-effective
    • SEO is easy to do, once you get the hang of it
    • SEO results are organic and long-term
    • Google likes SEO; it helps keep search results clean and relevant
    • SEO increases brand reputation and awareness
    • It can help you get ahead of your competitors
    • SEO builds trust

    Difference Between Local SEO and Global SEO

    Let’s get into the depth of each SEO type and talk about the difference between local SEO and global SEO.

    1. Local SEO is All About Proximity

    The key goal of local SEO is to make it easy for consumers to find a nearby relevant business when searching for a product or service on Google. It’s all about proximity.

    Local SEO Benefits

    Suppose that you have a carpet store in Turkey. You run a great business with the best quality carpets and outstanding services. But, you still don’t get a lot of customers. It’s most probably because not a lot of people know about your business or how great your products are.

    Local SEO can help you get more customers and sales by ensuring your store is easily found when someone near you searches for carpets on Google.

    Local SEO involves building your online business presence, starting with Google (Google Business Profile) and then expanding your online reach and making your store famous through location-specific SEO, keywords and content so that more potential customers can find and reach your store.

    For businesses looking to acquire more customers in a particular geographical location, whether it’s a neighbourhood, a city or a country, local SEO is a great tool.

    2. Expand Your Business and Reach with Global SEO

    Global SEO, on the other hand, is for businesses with bigger goals and target customers beyond regional boundaries. It’s all about global reach and opportunities.

    Search Result Stats

    For instance, an e-commerce company that delivers goods in multiple countries or a shoe manufacturer looking to expand beyond its city can use global SEO to find and connect with potential customers in their target markets across the globe.

    In fact, global SEO is one of the best, easiest and quickest ways for businesses to expand their reach in global markets and acquire new international customers or clients.

    Unlike local SEO, which involves using keywords and content about a specific location, global SEO involves optimizing a target business for multiple locations or markets, including creating separate websites for different regions and offering content in multiple languages.

    3. Content Marketing

    Content marketing, which is one of the best SEO techniques, involves promoting a business, service or product using relevant content.

    Process of Content Marketing at SAG IPL

    Local SEO involves using content marketing to educate and influence the target customers of a local business. Crafting content around topics related to your niche and location can help attract more local customers to your business.

    Our local SEO experts will find and incorporate your location-specific keywords when preparing content to promote your services, which helps make your business more visible in relevant local search results. Moreover, we acquire new and positive reviews for your business from your existing customers to further boost your brand reputation online.

    The goal of local SEO is to make your local business a well-known and trusted name in your particular service region.

    Global SEO also utilizes content marketing but with a different approach. Here, the focus is on creating content that resonates with a global and diverse audience beyond cultural and regional boundaries. This type of content has a more universal tone and is designed to cater to audiences across different markets.

    Global SEO involves creating content on niche-relevant topics with universal rather than location-specific keywords to help, influence and attract all audience types across the target markets of a business.

    4. Keyword Optimization

    As we discussed above, keywords are particularly important in a local SEO strategy. Using location-specific keywords in your content and SEO strategy will tell Google where you provide services, which it can utilize to boost your rankings and visibility in local search results.

    Keyword Research Tools

    Some examples of location-specific keywords for a cafe business in Melbourne include “cafe in Melbourne,” “cafe near Melbourne CBD,” and “best coffee in Melbourne.”

    Similarly, global SEO also relies heavily on keyword optimization. The difference is that the focus here is on universal keywords rather than location-based keywords. These are keywords that resonate with a diverse audience across regions and cultures. Optimizing your global SEO strategy and content with universal keywords will ensure that your content reaches and influences a global audience to boost your business visibility in global search results.

    When determining keywords for your local SEO or global SEO strategy, it is crucial to look beyond generic or common keywords, which can be extremely competitive. Get into the minds of your target customers and guess keywords or terms that they (might) use when searching for your products or services. These exact long-term key phrases are usually easier to rank due to low competition and can still fetch good traffic or leads for your business.

    5. Local SEO Uses Reviews to Build Trust

    One of the things you should know about local SEO is that it can be greatly influenced by customer reviews.

    Client Reviews for Local SEO

    Customer reviews are feedback and comments shared by customers about a business, product or service they have used. When you search for a business or service on Google, you’ll see user reviews along with each business listing.

    What you should know is that a large number of consumers read these reviews before interacting with a business found on Google. In a way, your reviews determine your business quality and credibility. The more good reviews you have, the higher will be your credibility and reputation, which will lead to more customers visiting your store to buy from you.

    Local SEO involves optimizing your online reviews to improve your brand image and boost your local search visibility and rankings. It’s all about building and maintaining a positive image of your business online and in your local area.

    6. Building Credibility with Global SEO

    Building a credible international business or brand is not something you can do in a day, or a month for that matter. However, it’s possible to speed up the process with the help of global SEO.

    Brand Reputation by SEO

    To build or boost the credibility of your business on a global platform, we focus on various trust signals, including website authority, market reputation, quality and source of backlinks and positive brand mentions.

    In the international market, people have more options to choose from, which can make it difficult for a new brand to acquire customers. By using global SEO, you can boost your trustability through techniques such as link building, content marketing, positive brand mentions and reviews, etc. to gradually build your positive business reputation.


    By comparing local SEO vs global SEO in this article, it is apparent that local SEO and global SEO are two completely different SEO types used for different purposes and goals. While local SEO is ideal for brick-and-mortar businesses with a smaller target market, global SEO can benefit businesses with international exposure and global clients.

    If you are looking for professional SEO services for your local or global business, contact SAG IPL white-hat SEO agency for 100% long-term results. We’re a leading SEO company with over 10 years of experience in local SEO, content marketing, and social media. Connect with us today for a free consultation.

      By Mohsin Qureshi SEO Strategy and Growth Leader

      Mohsin Qureshi is a seasoned digital marketer with over 12 years of experience, including 7 years working as a Team Leader in SAG IPL. His expertise lies in SEO, SMO, PPC, influencer marketing, and strategy building with a focus on driving impactful results and growth for businesses. With a keen eye for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Mohsin has been delivering tailored digital marketing strategies and solutions to help businesses excel online. LinkedIn

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