Result Driven B2B SEO Services by SAG IPL

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B2B SEO Services

Are you looking for a specialized SEO strategy for B2B businesses? Do you want to hire the best B2B SEO company with experience in result-driven B2B SEO services?

B2B (business to business) is a business model where a company or business provides services to another business.

An example of B2B would be a manufacturer selling products to retailers and dealers. The target customers of a B2B business are other businesses.

    What is B2B SEO? Why is it Important?

    B2B SEO is how a business engaged in selling products or services to other businesses can improve the organic search engine rankings of their website or the visibility of their local establishment.

    SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the practice of optimizing a business, a website or a web page to get it ranked on the first page of search engines like Google for its main target keywords.

    For those unfamiliar with SEO and terms like keywords and website optimization, in this article, we will discuss all these SEO terms in detail, along with the best, proven SEO strategy for a B2B company.

    Before we start, let’s find out why B2B SEO services are important for the growth of a B2B business.

    SEO is really the best way to boost the organic ranking and traffic of a business.

    As a B2B business with a website, your primary source of customers would probably be search engines like Google. If your website appears at the top of search results for your target keywords, then you’ll most likely get a lot of traffic and leads.

    Keywords are the words that people use when searching for something on Google. (more on that later)

    Website optimization is how you can convert leads coming to your website into paying customers or sales by improving your site’s quality and user experience.

    What you need to know is that a lot of your potential customers might use Google to search for your services or products. In fact, over 70% of all customers search online with the intent to purchase a product or service from a company.

    As they say, you need to be where your customers are. If your potential customers are searching on Google, you need to make sure that your website shows at the top whenever someone searches for your business. This is how you can increase your B2B website traffic and generate more leads for your business.

    SEO is how you can rank at the top of Google for your keywords.

    Other benefits of SEO for the B2B industry include:

    Improve search engine rankings: SEO is the best and most affordable way to boost your organic rankings on Google and appear more frequently for your main keywords in search results.

    Boost sales: SEO can generate more traffic to your website or local store, which will help you get more sales and boost revenue.

    Increase visibility: One of the benefits of SEO is that it can expand your online reach and visibility and allow more potential customers to see and access your business.

    Improve brand image & reputation: SEO is also a great way to boost your brand’s image and credibility by sharing content that helps people and tells potential customers about your offerings.

    Build your network: As a B2B business, you may be looking to build or grow your business network to develop a constant flow of customers and sales. SEO can help you reach and connect with potential customers and partners worldwide.

    Grow your new business: If your B2B business is still new, SEO can help you get more customers and increase your online reach and brand image.

    Wondering how to increase your B2B website’s search engine rankings? A professional SEO company can help grow your online presence.

    B2B SEO Services by SAG IPL

    SEO is your way to rank higher on search engines. Google uses over a hundred factors to determine where to rank a web page in search results, and SEO can help you master most, if not all, of these factors.

    Here are our top B2B SEO services and methods to boost your B2B business growth.

    B2B Keyword Analysis & Research

    Finding the right keywords to target is crucial for the success of your B2B SEO strategy.

    Keywords are the words or phrases that your target audience might be using to search for products or services that you sell. For example, if you sell tyres to car manufacturers, they might search for you using keywords like “the best car tyre supplier near me” or “wholesale tyre seller”, etc.

    keyword research

    Using your target keywords in your content and SEO strategy is a good way to establish relevance between search terms and your web pages, which will help boost your organic search engine rankings.

    There are multiple ways to research and find the best keywords for your B2B company. These include tools such as Keyword Planner and Ahrefs, Google autocomplete, and analyzing your top competitors.

    Your keywords must be based on your intent. For example, if you are looking to increase your B2B sales, you must focus on targeting “bottom of the funnel” keywords, i.e. prospects who are ready to make a purchase.

    If you are using a tool like the Keyword Planner or Ahrefs, find the best keywords with low-medium competition and good demand. The keywords you select must be strictly relevant to your business, products or services.

    You can also consider using Google’s autocomplete feature to get an idea of which long-tail keywords your potential customers are searching for. Start typing your target keyword in Google Search and it will show a list of the words that might be relevant to you.

    Lastly, you must analyze your competitors’ websites and SEO strategies to see which keywords they are using or ranking for. You can consider implementing these keywords in your own strategy if they are relevant to your business.

    On-site SEO

    Under this technique, we look at the client’s website from the search engine point to ensure a great user experience.

    Many factors might affect user experience on your B2B website, such as the web design, layout, navigation, content quality, whether the content meets user intent, mobile friendliness, and the use of keywords in the content.

    SEO-friendly website design is one way to improve user experience on your B2B site. SAG IPL as the best B2B SEO company can help you create an awesome landing page that is not just attractive but also user-friendly and has the best quality content written for users.

    We also add relevant images to your web pages as well as optimize all media content for size and appearance. In addition, we optimize the site layout to ensure smooth navigation and make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

    Onsite SEO

    Meta tag optimization involves creating SEO-optimised meta tags for all pages on your B2B website. Meta tags include titles and short descriptions for every page on a site. These details appear in search results along with the page URL. Meta tags must be relevant and easy to use and include target keywords in both the title and description.

    Content writing & optimization is a crucial part of an on-site SEO strategy for B2B. We review your entire website content based on quality, uniqueness, relevance and usefulness. Content optimization also involves using relevant keywords in the content, including titles and headings.

    When optimizing your existing website content, we check it for plagiarism and re-write if needed, add keywords and relevant links, add call-to-actions, include proper headings, and add or optimize meta tags if needed.

    meta tag optimization

    One of the goals of on-site SEO is conversion optimization, which refers to improving your B2B website’s conversion rate, i.e. turning more visitors into paying customers. Improving your site’s user experience and content quality are some great ways to boost your conversion rate.

    Internal linking is a crucial part of a website’s navigation. For instance, linking all the important pages on your site to the homepage will make it easy for people to find what they’re looking for.

    Technical On-site SEO

    Technical optimization of a website involves making changes to the website code, identifying and removing bugs, and adding new pages like robots.txt and sitemap.xml and mobile optimization to make your b2b website load faster and appear better to both your users and search engines.

    To increase the page speed on your website, we optimize image quality & sizes, optimize the code for mobile, remove unnecessary plugins and JS, use file compression, use website caching, and switch to a more efficient hosting provider (if needed).

    Off-site SEO

    Off-site SEO refers to digital marketing activities that are performed outside the client’s website and on other platforms across the internet. These include link building, social media marketing, content marketing, Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, etc.

    Link Building is a core off-site technique of B2B SEO services, which involves creating backlinks from other websites to your B2B site. The idea is to get links from high-quality, powerful websites in the same niche to build your own brand authority and reputation.

    Google checks the backlink profile of a webpage to determine its quality and popularity when assigning rankings. In simple words, the more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher you’ll likely rank in search results.

    external backlinks

    There are many ways to build links, of which content is the best and probably the easiest method. We create & use engaging content for building links through article submission, guest blog creation, blog commenting, on-site blog publishing, PR & media, and social publishing.

    In addition, we create content that people might want to link to. For example, long-form, reference articles and guides are often considered a good source of information and may attract links from relevant sites, including news portals.

    Backlinks that come naturally or are built by others to point to your website are considered the best.

    Good quality backlinks will not only boost your Google rankings but might also help drive more traffic and leads to your site.

    The goal of our content is not just to create backlinks but to actually help people in their buying journeys through relevant guides, how-to articles, videos, and more.

    We’ll also create a blog for your B2B website (if you don’t already have one) and use it to publish content for your potential and existing users.

    We recommend publishing at least one article or news per week on your business blog and engaging with your readers through comments.

    Do not forget local SEO when optimizing and marketing your B2B company online.

    The purpose of local SEO is to generate more traffic and sales for your brick-and-mortar business. The methods include Google business listing, directory listing, and review optimization. Geoadvertising is a paid method for local business marketing.

    To start with, build and optimize your Google business profile, including your latest business info, contact details, operational hours, and address. Add images of your business and encourage your customers to write reviews.

    At the same time, try to list your business on multiple top online directories in your region to enable people to find and reach you easily.

    Generating and optimizing your online reviews is also a good way to boost your business traffic. To start with, ask your existing customers to write reviews about your business on Google and social media. Make sure that all your reviews are genuine and report any fake reviews immediately.

    B2B Content Marketing

    Content marketing refers to the use of content to market a business, product or service.

    A powerful B2B SEO strategy will be largely driven by content. Make sure to use content at its best potential in your B2B SEO marketing.

    To start with, opt for a diversified route when marketing using content. In other words, create for and publish content on multiple channels. Create a content calendar for easy tracking and managing.

    Research which type of content would be the best fit for your target audience. Write content for the different stages of the sales funnel. Write content on topics that a lot of people are searching for and publish on platforms where your potential customers are. Share your content or links on social media for maximum exposure.

    content marketing circle

    Make sure that your content is optimized for SEO. Use relevant keywords, add good call-to-actions, and keep the content engaging and user-friendly.

    Link your blogs with your website pages so that your readers know where to go if they want to know more or buy a product or service.

    When using content marketing for B2B SEO services, focus on building your authority by creating fresh, well-researched, high-quality content consistently under your brand name.

    Social Media Marketing for the B2B Industry

    Social Media post ideas are another fantastic way to boost your online presence and get more customers to visit your B2B website or local shop.

    Billions of people worldwide use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram and Snapchat. These include hundreds, if not thousands, of your potential buyers.

    To benefit from the popularity of social media, all you have to do is create your business presence on top social sites and be active by posting content routinely and engaging with users.

    social media strategy

    Among the many benefits of social media for the B2B industry, one is extended reach for your content to thousands of potential customers, who might be interested in knowing more about your services or, eventually, purchasing from you.

    The key to success on social media is to be consistent and actively engage with your audience by posting useful and engaging content and answering users’ comments on your posts.

    Some social media sites like Facebook also allow you to create or join communities. Communities are like groups where you can meet and connect with like-minded people. Facebook Groups are a wonderful way to find and connect with your target customers.

    B2B SEO Packages and Costs by SAG IPL

    If you are wondering about the cost of B2B SEO services, we at SAG IPL offer three types of SEO service packages as follows:

    What is Monthly SEO Pricing?

    1. Basic SEO Package: Get the most essential SEO services for your B2B business at a nominal price starting at $499/month. Up to 10 keywords with an estimated target period of 2-3 months.

    2. Advanced SEO Package: This one covers up to 20 keywords with a target of first-page ranking within 2-3 months and around 2.5k monthly visitors. Cost – $999/month.

    3. Premium SEO Package: Our most premium SEO services package is all-inclusive and offers all our SEO benefits and features along with access to our top SEO team of B2B specialist marketers. Cost – $1499/month.

    All the above business-to-business SEO services and packages include monthly strategy reviews & meetings and weekly reporting along with detailed SEO performance reporting every month.

    Customer Testimonials – B2B SEO Company

    Wondering how to choose the best B2B SEO company for your B2B website or business? A brilliant way to choose ROI-driven B2B SEO services from so many options is to read SEO company testimonials.

    “I have been using SAG IPL’s SEO services for more than two years now and am quite confident in their ability to outrank the competition and boost the growth of a business by using SEO techniques that actually work.”

    FAQ about Business-to-Business SEO Services

    How does SEO help B2B?

    B2B search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a B2B company or website to boost its ranking in search engines like Google to increase business traffic and sales. Unlike B2C SEO, the focus of B2B SEO is to optimize for business customers, i.e. businesses that buy from other businesses.

    What is B2B SEO?

    B2B SEO refers to search engine optimization for the business-to-business industry, where the target customers are businesses such as retailers, wholesalers, manufacturing companies, etc. The primary goal of B2B SEO is to grow brand exposure and generate more online traffic.

    What is SEO vs PPC for B2B?

    While SEO is an organic digital marketing strategy that helps generate organic traffic from search engines, PPC or pay-per-click is a paid marketing technique, where you have to pay for every click that comes to your website or page through your PPC ad.

    SEO takes time to show results that are organic and long-term. PPC is suitable for quick, short-term results.

    Why is SEO important for B2B?

    SEO is important for your B2B business because it can help increase the search engine rankings of your website or pages, resulting in increased traffic and leads to your B2B website.

    Moreover, on-page website SEO can help turn your visitors into paying customers by improving user experience.

    Collaborate with B2B SEO Marketing Experts at SAG IPL

    With more than two decades in the digital marketing space, SAG IPL is one of the top agencies for B2B SEO services. We don’t just market B2B businesses but can also help you build a perfect, SEO-optimised website for your B2B company.

    We know what it takes for a B2B website to become successful through a custom B2B SEO strategy that includes both on-page optimization and off-site SEO.

    SAG IPL has a digital marketing team of 50+ full-time experts, including SEO specialists, PPC managers, designers, content creators, and analysts all working under one roof to deliver excellent quality and results for customers like you.

    Whether you are looking to improve your B2B website’s organic search rankings or want to get more traffic, leads, and sales to your business, we are just one call away to help your B2B company grow online.

    Looking for the Best B2B SEO Company?
    Don’t Worry About It!

    Contact SAG IPL

    By Mohsin Qureshi SEO Strategy and Growth Leader

    Mohsin Qureshi is a seasoned digital marketer with over 12 years of experience, including 7 years working as a Team Leader in SAG IPL. His expertise lies in SEO, SMO, PPC, influencer marketing, and strategy building with a focus on driving impactful results and growth for businesses. With a keen eye for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Mohsin has been delivering tailored digital marketing strategies and solutions to help businesses excel online. LinkedIn

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