Animated Crypto Video Creation Services to Captivate Audience

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Animated Crypto Video Creation Services to Captivate Audience

Videos are a great way to market your product or service. They are even better than written content due to their ability to catch users’ attention immediately and communicate information better. This is why many companies across industries, including blockchain and crypto, actively use videos to promote their offerings and captivate their audiences. If you’re looking for animated crypto video creation services or want to learn how an ICO explainer video production agency like SAG IPL can help you get more exposure and reach, keep reading.

There are many types of videos – animation, music videos, live streaming, education, tutorials, and more. The kind of video that will resonate the best with your audience will depend on your target audience and industry. For crypto marketing, animations usually work best.

What’s an animated crypto video?

Animation refers to videos that are made using inanimate objects like graphics with movement and cartoons. Animated videos are not only very attractive and catchy, but they can simplify any complex subject to allow people to understand it in a better and entertaining way.

Animation is a great way to explain complex or abstract topics, such as blockchain or cryptocurrencies, through live-action stories.

    Why You Need Animated Crypto Video Creation Services

    As we mentioned before, animations are super attractive and entertaining and they can illustrate complex topics in a straightforward way that is also quite fun.

    Suppose that you have an idea for a crypto token or project that lets people turn their physical assets into blockchain assets for seamless trading and liquidity.

    Then, you can create a brief animation, explaining the working of your project and the role of your token in the project with an engaging background story and using relevant graphics and cartoons.

    Crypto Video Creation

    Videos are a wonderful marketing tool for several reasons, such as:

    Entertaining: Videos are quite entertaining, especially creative animations, which have a dedicated fanbase. Learning is often boring, and a nice, creative animation can make it entertaining for your audience to learn about your crypto project.

    Attractive & Engaging: a colorful and lively animation is not just attractive to look at but can explain your token and technology concept in a fun and engaging way to your intended audience.

    Helps communicate efficiently: Videos are definitely a better medium of communication than text or other content types and can be used to share any type of information with anyone. They can even be used to communicate and explain complex or abstract topics such as cryptocurrency.

    Helps retain information better: Research shows that people tend to remember information better when they access it through a video rather than text. In fact, viewers have reported to retain up to 95% of information received from a video compared to only about 10% when received through text.

    Wider reach: Videos can be shared by people to quickly reach a wider audience across several platforms on the internet. Unique video concepts like short videos, gifs, etc. on social media gain attention fast and get 12 times more shares than text posts.

    Animations are even better than simple videos because they are more entertaining and engaging and communicate your message through an exciting story using cartoons and graphics that immediately resonate with watchers.

    All this makes videos one of the best tools to communicate and promote your crypto project with your target audience. Of course, you’d need to create a video first. The introductory video of your cryptocurrency should be simple and easy to understand but also exciting and fun to watch.

    Not sure how to create an animated explainer video for your blockchain project? Contact SAG IPL to hire professional Animated Crypto Video Creation Services today!

    Comprehensive Animated Blockchain Video Production Services by SAG IPL

    Our highly creative and innovative animated crypto video services will enable you to easily explain complex blockchain and technology concepts to grow your crypto community using personalized crypto explainer videos from the world’s best team of designers and animation producers.

    Blockchain Explainer Video Creation

    Blockchain can be a somewhat complex topic, especially for those who are new to the industry. When launching your new blockchain project or cryptocurrency, our explainer video creation services can help you with a creative and engaging introduction video for your project to explain your concept to your potential audience in the simplest way through an engaging story with attractive graphics.

    Blockchain Video Marketing

    The very first video we create when marketing a crypto project is an explainer video or an introduction video, which provides a brief intro of your project, technology and concept in the most interesting way.

    A blockchain explainer video can be a great tool for marketing your project at all stages, including the token sale. You are advised to place your explainer video on all your platforms, on your website, official channels on social media, forums, etc.

    Ask your visitors to watch the explainer video to get a brief idea of what your project is all about.

    We use animation and motion graphics to create a high-quality, informative and engaging video for your crypto/blockchain project. Our excellent marketing skills will ensure your video gets immediate user attention and help drive engagement through appropriate calls to action.

    Contact SAG IPL today to build your crypto explainer video.

    Blockchain/Crypto Marketing Video Production

    While content marketing remains one of the most popular techniques for promoting an online business, product or service, videos beat almost all other kinds of content in terms of engagement and return on investment (ROI).

    So, if you are looking to get more users, leads or investors for your blockchain project, videos can be a wonderful tool to promote your project concept, technology and token to millions of prospects across YouTube and social media.

    Crypto Marketing

    Whether you need full crypto video marketing services or just need one creative animated video for your blockchain project, contact SAG IPL to hire an experienced animation designer at a competitive price.

    We have experience in building promotional videos for blockchain projects in various industries such as Fintech, cryptocurrency, non-fungible tokens, utility tokens, payment tokens, DeFi, and more.

    Our animated blockchain marketing videos are designed with a focus on promoting your USP (unique selling point) by highlighting your project concept and goals through a compelling story.

    Our highly skilled animation designers use creative graphics and trends to communicate your message in the most entertaining way through high-quality animations that instantly resonate with your audience and inspire them to take action.

    The goal of content in marketing is to communicate the right message in the right way to the right audience, and there’s no better content type than videos to do that.

    Our video is designed to explain seemingly complex blockchain concepts in a very simple manner while simultaneously promoting your project.

    Our crypto video marketing services also cover video optimization, SEO and link building to get higher search rankings and more views for your blockchain videos and YouTube channel.

    Blockchain Educational/Learning Video Creation

    As a crypto influencer or company looking to educate your followers and community about blockchain technology, you can leverage video content to explain complex blockchain concepts in a very easy and fun manner.

    Animated videos are even better than regular videos in terms of engagement and ease of learning.

    Blockchain Technology

    With blockchain and cryptocurrency being relatively newer concepts, not a lot of people know a lot about them. However, those who are looking to learn blockchain concepts often find it challenging to learn the same through the available content, which is mostly text-based and usually too complex and confusing.

    Videos, especially animated ones, are a wonderful learning tool. As an influencer, you can help your community learn about blockchain by creating animated videos explaining complex terms through simple and engaging stories.

    If you don’t know how to create an animated video, you can always hire professional blockchain animation creation services from SAG IPL. Our high-quality, interesting and engaging animations are tailor-made for your project to make it easy for your community to effortlessly learn various crypto concepts and content.

    You can also use videos to teach your community about your project by creating and sharing video guides on topics like how to buy tokens, how to register, how to do KYC, how to transfer crypto, and more.

    Blockchain Advertisement Creation

    If you are looking for the fastest way to boost your crypto project’s reach and generate more leads for your ICO quickly, crypto ads marketing is one of the best options.

    Advertising is an inorganic or paid marketing technique that involves paying someone to generate leads or sales for your project. There are many forms of advertising, such as pay-per-click, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, and others.

    Blockchain Ads Creation

    When advertising your cryptocurrency or blockchain project through any of the above means, you’ll still need high-quality and engaging content to grab users’ attention and inspire them to click your ads. Videos are one of the best types of content for advertising. Here’s why:

    • Videos can cover more information in less content
    • Visual information is easier to process by our mind
    • While text can be boring, videos are usually interesting and fun
    • Anything is easy to explain with a video, even complex topics like blockchain
    • Video can convey emotions better
    • Video can connect with people faster than text

    Videos have always been considered a preferred choice for advertising content. They are usually more interactive and engaging than text content and have a higher rate of engagement.

    For advertising, you generally need short videos containing your message and a call to action. The content must be exciting and engaging.

    If you need professional help creating a visually appealing and engaging blockchain animation ad for your crypto project, contact us today to hire an expert animation designer from SAG IPL.

    ICO Explainer/Promotion Video

    As one of the most popular types of content for marketing, videos are often used by blockchain companies to promote their ICOs and token sales when looking to raise funds for a new crypto project.

    An ICO or initial coin offering refers to a type of token sale, where the token developer invites people to invest in their project in exchange for the project’s token or cryptocurrency, which can be a utility token, a security token or another type.

    ICO Explainer

    Content marketing is a brilliant way to boost your ICO project’s exposure and reach millions of potential investors across various online platforms including social media and forums, and videos are an integral part of any content marketing campaign.

    To promote your ICO, you can create videos about your project, highlighting your ICO features & benefits and promoting special offers, token discounts, etc. Post these videos on your official YouTube channel and share them through your social media accounts to reach your target audience and followers, subscribers and loyal fans who might be interested in purchasing your token.

    Feeling exhausted already? You don’t have to do any of this if you hire ICO marketing services from SAG IPL. Our service covers extensive promotion of your ICO across platforms that crypto enthusiasts frequent through high-quality content, including videos, to get you more qualified leads and investors fast. Contact SAG IPL to get started.

    New Crypto Offers (Airdrop/Bounty Program) Video

    Another kind of animated video that could benefit your blockchain/crypto project is a video promoting a special offer or sale to attract a specific audience or investors who might be interested in buying your token at a discount.

    If you are planning an airdrop, bounty program, referral campaign or a similar offer for your token sale, creating a video for the same would drastically boost your reach across platforms and ensure your new campaign reaches potential users fast.

    Crypto Offer Videos

    In your video, you can explain what your promotion offer is, how it works, how people can participate to win free tokens or awards, and related tips.

    Create at least one video for every campaign and place it on the campaign page and social media to make it easier for your target audience to find your content when looking to know more about your project or token.

    Want to hire a professional crypto animation video creator for your blockchain project? Contact SAG IPL design agency. With 13+ years of blockchain marketing experience and a full-time team of specialist designers, developers and marketers on our side, we can create customized videos, including explainer video, marketing video, offer video, and more based on your specific blockchain project requirements and goals.

    Whether you need a creative animation to engage your community or want a promotional video to get more leads to your ICO campaign, we have the right tools and skills to create the perfect animation for you. Contact SAG IPL to know more.

    Customized Crypto Animation Video Creation Packages

    Our talented designers and animation creators can create personalized videos for your specific requirements and goals, whether it is to market your content, promote your video or just impart meaningful blockchain learning.

    Video Creation Cost

    Our blockchain video production services are offered through multiple packages designed to fit the needs and budgets of different business types and ICO projects. All packages cover video script writing, slide-based design, and basic animation services. For advanced features like voice-over and video sharing, you can opt for our advanced or premium video package.

    Also, if you have any special video creation requirements or need other specific features in your video, feel free to contact our team for the same.

    Check out our crypto animation video creation packages & costs here –

    1) Basic – USD 199

    2) Advanced – USD 249

    3) Premium – USD 599

    Why SAG IPL – Blockchain Animation Video Creation Company

    At SAG IPL, we provide comprehensive and customized animated blockchain video design services for every stage of the product funnel.

    As one of the best and most trusted blockchain animation producers, we are committed to improving your cryptocurrency marketing strategy and meeting goals through high-quality animated videos designed to instantly connect with your audience. Our blockchain video production services can help boost your crypto marketing results and get you more conversions and leads.

    Here is why you should hire animated blockchain video production services from SAG IPL:

    Blockchain Experienced

    As one of the top-rated blockchain development and marketing companies in India with over 13 years of industry experience, SAG IPL is a one-stop destination for crypto founders & companies to hire specialist blockchain developers and designers.

    Backed by Research

    Our designers take their time to study and understand your project and perform in-depth research on your industry and target market to make sure that your blockchain video perfectly resonates with your audience and meets their expectations.


    One competitive advantage of our blockchain animation video services is that our content is tailor-made to meet your particular goals, whether it is to boost conversions or build trust in your community. Call now for goal-oriented video creation services.

    Quick Turnaround Time

    We promise that your video will be created and delivered on time, every time. This is why we have a team of dedicated designers, who you can hire per your needs. If you want results faster, you can even hire full-time designers from SAG IPL.

    Professional Designers

    We have highly skilled and talented designers with many years of experience in animated video production for blockchain and crypto projects. They understand your niche and can create videos that perform well among your audience.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Animated Crypto Video Creation Services


    How can a blockchain animation video help my crypto project?

    An explainer video is a great way to introduce your new crypto project or token to your target audience. Animated videos can be used to effortlessly explain complex topics like blockchain and crypto to newbies through engaging content in the form of stories. It’s also one of the best ways to promote your token sale or ICO to get more leads and attract investors to your project.

    Can I use the same video as my website on social media?

    Yes, all our animated blockchain videos created for your project are personalized for you and can be repurposed on all your marketing channels, including organic and paid marketing campaigns. The explainer video that we create for your website can also be used on your social channels and other community platforms to introduce and market your project as well as for advertising purposes.

    What is the cost of animated crypto video creation services?

    Our crypto animation video production service cost starts at just USD 199 for a basic explainer video of up to 1 minute, which will contain a script and slide-based video with required animation. If you need advanced features like voice-over and more animation, you can opt for our premium video services. Contact us to find out more about our video design plans.

    How much time does it take to create a blockchain explainer video?

    The time to create your video will depend on your project type and complexity. Our team will have to study your project concept deeply to prepare an interesting script (story) explaining your project to your target audience in layman’s terms. We use animation to make your video attractive and engaging. Overall, it might take anywhere from one day to one week depending on the above factors.

    By Atul Mittal A Technical Content Writer

    Atul is a passionate writer with 8+ years of experience in creating content across domains ranging from crypto marketing, blockchain development and digital marketing for different industries. My expertise lies in marketing content and highly engaging website copies that impress readers and boost ROI. Email :

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