Electric Scooter Digital Marketing Case Study: How We Help CurrusMotors To Generate $20000 Business Within 3 Months

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Electric Scooter Digital Marketing Case Study

In our electric scooter digital marketing case study, we are going to share with you how we helped a new electric scooter selling company generate more than $20000 worth of business in just 3 Months through web design, development (e-commerce website), and digital marketing services including SEO, SMO, PPC, content marketing and visual marketing.

The client first approached us about his requirements, which included building a complete, SEO-optimised, responsive e-commerce website from scratch and marketing the online (e-commerce) business of the client with the aim to increase its search engine (Google) ranking plus traffic and sales on the website.

This is one of the projects where we went the extra mile to achieve the desired results.

CurrusMotors Electric Scooter Digital Marketing Case Study by SAG IPL (With 100% Practical E-commerce Marketing Strategy)

We used every major digital marketing technique, including content marketing, to identify & reach the target consumers, promote the client business/products to them, generate leads for the target website and convert those leads into sales.

The end results were better than we expected.

How It Started About the Client’s Business

The client Currus Motors is a US-based dealer of authentic and high-end electric vehicles, mainly electric scooters and unicycles of the Currus brand.

When he first approached us (in mid-2019), he was looking to start his online business of selling genuine Cirrus brand vehicles at the best prices with delivery across the US and Canada.

At the time, he had no website. So, our first job was to create a feature-rich e-commerce website to kick-start the business.

How It Started About the Client's Business

CurrusMotors.com sells all the popular Currus brand e-scooters along with useful accessories for e-scooter users.

The website now (in mid-2020) ranks among the top online sellers of electric vehicles (on Google) in the US and Canada.

It is being used by hundreds of customers as a reliable platform for buying the best Currus e-scooters and accessories.

Goals: What the Client Wanted for This Project

During the initial discussions, the client explained his requirements and expectations for the project. These include:

Website Designing

Need to design a website that is unique, good-looking, and user-friendly.

The website should be created from the Search Engine point of view and must be optimised to work on mobile devices.

Website Designing

It should be easy to navigate, have a clean, crisp design and informative content. Content for the homepage and inner pages, including product pages, should also be added, with the scope to add new, latest products. In addition, all pages & products must be coupled with relevant, high-quality images.

Content (Products & Marketing)

The entire website content, including product pages, categories, blogs, etc., was to be written by the SAG IPL content team in line with Google’s recommendation for high-quality, informative content.

The content should be unique, eye-catching, and interesting for the end-users. It should read like a copy, with the aim to convince a user to buy the product.

Also, the team will prepare regular content for off-page marketing, blogs, articles, social media, etc. as and when needed.

Graphics/Images for Social Media Marketing

Attractive, unique, and informative graphics, images & videos will be designed by the SAG graphics designer team for both on-page and off-page marketing purposes.


The client wanted a dedicated team, including web designers, developers, marketers, and content writers, to work on this project.

Project Initialization

Take a look at how we initialized the development process, designed a strategy based on the client’s requirements, and research by our team.

Planning & Research

Like any other project, this one also involved a lot of research and planning.

Before we could start building the website or prepare a marketing strategy for Currus brand promotion, we needed crucial data about the target market, customers, and the industry.

Based on the research data analysis, the SAG IPL team prepared a website development strategy for the Currus project.

This also covered the project roadmap and timeline. We aimed to complete the first phase of development of the website (Beta version) in about a month.

After that, it took one more month for the final website to be developed and launched.

Also, a separate strategy was prepared for the Currus website and business online marketing.

This covered both on-page marketing and off-page marketing techniques, including social media promotion and paid strategies.

Team Building

Initially, a team of five, consisting of two designers, two developers, and one manager, was assigned to the Currus website development project.

Team Building

Once the website was developed and launched, a separate marketing team, consisting of a digital marketing manager and 3-5 SEO professionals, was assigned for the next phase, i.e. online marketing of the Currus brand.

CurrusMotors Website Design & Development

One of the most crucial tasks was, of course, to build the Currus brand website.

Before this, there was no online presence of the client’s business in terms of a website or social media pages.

CurrusMotors Website Design & Development

So, we had to start everything from scratch. We took the charge smilingly.

We were building an e-commerce website, so the first thing we needed to do was to choose the right platform.

We collectively decided to go with WordPress, simply because it’s the most brilliant web development framework out there, with advanced features like responsive themes/design and hundreds of free plugins.

The SAG IPL web design team used HTML and CSS to create a theme from scratch.

The theme was made to be relevant to the client business using specific graphics, images, colors, and fonts.

The design work involved the creation of website layout, pages, header, menus, graphics, slider, logo, buttons, images, and other designs.

Separate pages for everything, including products, accessories, about, contact, support, terms & conditions, dealers, login/register, etc. were created.

The website was made to be responsive and work smoothly across all the leading platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Once the theme was ready, the development team started writing the website functionality (code).

The web development team for the Currus website project included two developers and a manager.

They used PHP and JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS, to write the code to support the web design created early.

In other words, they created the code to make the web design functional. They created the Shopping Cart and also took care of the database.

Each stage or part of web development involved a lot of testing. Once a part was created, we moved on to the next phase.

Once the entire website was created successfully (which took over a month), it was sent for the client’s approval.

Minor changes, as suggested by the client, were made and the final website (without content) was ready for launch.

Read Also: 11 Reasons to Choose SEO Experts from SAG IPL

The next stage was content development.

Initially, the website had two products – electric scooters – for which content was written by a dedicated Content Writer.

He also prepared content for other pages, including the homepage, about us page, category pages, and more.

Once the website was finalised and approved by the client, it was launched on the client’s preferred server (hosting).

Community Management & Marketing

By now, most of the work of the design & development team was finished, and we were ready to start the project marketing.

The digital marketing team took over the job from here.

Our initial goals with the Currus Marketing Project were –

  • Establishing the client website as a reputed & trusted seller of Currus e-scooters in the market through targeted online marketing.
  • Increasing the search engine rankings of the website.
  • Driving more traffic to the online store.
  • Optimizing the website for SEO, including high loading speed, lower bounce rate, etc.
  • Converting more leads into sales, and reducing cart abandon rate.
  • Promoting rigorously on social media and building a brand out of it.

Our digital marketing strategy for the Currus project included the following:

On-page Marketing

Before we start promoting a website or product, the first thing we check is whether the website is perfect from the SEO point of view.

In this case, the website was developed by our own in-house team, so it was naturally optimized for SEO and similar things.

On Page Marketing Strategies in Our Digital Marketing Case Study

A basic website analysis was performed to confirm the same. The website passed all the tests with flying colors and received an 80+ Page Score on Sitechecker.pro.

The Currus website is fast, free of errors and has high-quality content, as per the latest check.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing involved the use of a lot of relevant and informative content for the promotion of CurrusMotors as a brand and its products.

We published articles on high-authority websites around the web, posted regularly on the company blog, sent guest articles to relevant websites in the niche and used influencers to spread the word out in the market through our content.

Content Marketing Strategies - We follow during the SEO

In the end, it all paid off, and we were ranking in the top position for most of our target keywords.

Press Release

One of the crucial parts of our marketing efforts at SAG IPL is PR & News. We often use media platforms and news channels to spread positive things about our clients & their products on the internet.

We wrote articles on famous news & PR channels, including Medium, PressAdvantage, BusinessInsider, and more.

This greatly helped us create a positive buzz about the client’s brand in the market, which led to building a community of loyal and trusted buyers.

Social Media Marketing

We used social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to build a community around the Currus brand.

On these social sites, we created dedicated pages, groups and accounts for the CurrusMotors brand.

CurrusMotors Social Media Marketing Strategies

On a regular basis, we posted high-definition images, videos and graphics relevant to Currus products to tell users about the unique product features.

Over time, we received a very good response, along with huge traffic, from Currus social pages/groups.

For instance, the brand Facebook page received over 200 likes and followers in just a couple of months of its launch.

Recommended: 103 Social Media Post Content Ideas to Increase more Engagement

Link Building

Link building has evolved a lot over the years. Now, the focus is more on getting high-quality links from relevant, authority websites rather than getting a lot of links from not-so-good sites.

We did the same for CurrusMotors and saw tremendous success.

Some of the website types that we got backlinks from for Currus include news sites, popular blogging sites, social media, guest blogging (in the same niche), Q&A sites, etc.

We contributed useful content/info on these platforms, in exchange of which we got backlinks naturally. Natural link building is the key here.

Video Marketing

We also created and shared informative videos, including how-to guides, product reviews, etc. on popular video-sharing platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

This also helped create a positive buzz about the brand in the market and grew the base of loyal customers, readers and subscribers.

By the end of one month of video marketing, the brand website was getting hundreds of visitors only from the videos posted throughout the internet.

Questions & Answers Activity

Q&A websites are online platforms where users can ask questions and get answers from the community of experts/experienced people.

Quora, Yahoo Answers, etc. are some of the popular Q&A websites that we use for online reputation building & marketing to our clients.

We extensively posted on Quora, wrote answers to relevant questions of users about electric scooters, and received an immense response from the community.

Almost all our answers on Quora included a link back to the client’s website, which helped us generate relevant, targeted leads and convert them into sales.

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Final Results: What the Client Got

In no time, the Currus website was shining on the internet.

The brand, which once had almost zero visibility online, is now one of the most popular websites for buying Currus brand e-scooters in the US and Canada. We now rank at the top positions (#1, #2, #3) for almost all the target keywords, as you can see in the image below.

Final Results: What the Client Got - Keyword Ranking Chart

Here’s everything else that we achieved for the CurrusMotors project.

Strong Branding

Website branding was one of the major goals that the client had in mind when he first approached us.

We created the website with that in mind. Throughout the website, we maintained a constant color and font scheme in order to create a good impression on the visitors.

Strong Branding - The Power of Brand: Growth, Sales, Customer, Awareness, Success

Also, we created a nice, unique, but relevant logo for the brand that immediately catches the user’s attention.

The website design was kept simple, but enticing with easy access to all the features and services. This all helped boost the brand image of the company.

Also, we promoted the brand and Currus products extensively across the internet, on social media and other popular platforms, through content and other digital means, and ended up building a good overall online reputation for Currus brand.

Huge Social Media Response

The response we received on social media for the Currus brand was better than the client had originally expected.

Thanks to our meticulous social strategy and targeted marketing, we successfully created a good buzz in the market and built a community of users interested in electric scooters.

Social Media Response We Get During the Work

The trick for social media success is to find the right platform. Since it’s a product-based company, we used Facebook and Instagram because of their graphic-focused marketing features.

High-definition images/videos of e-scooters, riders, etc. are always able to attract the user’s attention, making them ask for more.

Improved Online Visibility

One of the project goals was to improve the overall internet visibility and accessibility of the brand.

We achieved this through a focus on improving the search engine visibility/ranking of the client’s website through both free and paid means.

Improved Online Visibility - CurrusMotors

We used SEO to build a strong online reputation for the brand, which gradually improved its Google ranking.

Also, we use paid tools, including PPC, to further increase visibility across the internet.

Only by using the brand name on Google Search, you can see the official website and various social media pages of CurrusMotors right on the front page.

The increased online visibility also boosted the traffic coming to the CurrusMotors website.

Leads/Sales – more sales

In just a couple of months since we started working on it, the Currus website was ranking at the top position for almost all of its target keywords.

Thanks to this, the website keeps getting valuable leads and traffic through search engines and social media.

This has also boosted the product sales on the website (see the image below).

We Achieved More Than $20000 Sale for CurrusMotors Within 3 Months

We also worked on improving the checkout process, making it simpler and more attractive for the user, which helped control the cart abandon rate.


One of the best ways to assess the quality of SEO work is to check the end profits or ROI for the client.

In this case, the returns the client received on his investment with us were definitely better than what he had hoped for.

Client Get Profit in His Business

As you can see, we achieved a solid boost in the search engine rankings, traffic, and sales for the client’s website, which resulted in the client making more revenue than ever before.

In fact, before working with us, the client was making almost zero revenue online, since he had no online presence whatsoever.

We not only built his online brand from the scratch but also improved it to the level where it can actually generate profits for the long term.

Conclusion: Miles To Go

In the 3 months we worked on the CurrusMotors project, we achieved so much. We built the project website from the scratch, built it better than the client’s expectations, and to be search engine-friendly.

We promoted the website and products via multiple online channels, including social media, blogging, PR & news, forums, Q&A sites, email, and more, and eventually, we established it as a trusted online store for the high-end Currus brand e-scooters & accessories.

We continue working on the CurrusMotors website to further strengthen its overall online presence and drive more traffic & sales to the website.

If you also have an e-commerce website similar to CurrusMotors and are looking for ways to promote it online in order to get more sales & traffic, feel free to contact us for a free discussion.

We can help you with the perfect digital marketing strategy for your e-commerce website

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By Amit Gupta Founder and CEO of SAG IPL

Amit Gupta, who is the CEO and Founder of SAG IPL, founded this company with the vision to become the #1 provider of quality-driven and cost-effective blockchain marketing and development services in the world. As a Chartered Accountant with a keen interest in software and web development, he manages a team of over 200 professionals, comprising designers, developers, and marketers, committed to delivering top-notch web, software, mobile, and blockchain solutions to clients worldwide. Linkedin


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