PanKuKu: A Case Study To Show You What We Have Achieved So Far

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PanKuKu’s journey with us began in March 2022 and continues to this day. The Pankuku team hired us when the project was in the development stage and with their development, we had to revise our marketing plan from time to time.

In this post we at SAG IPL are sharing the case study of the panKuKu project, it is a kind of summary of our journey. Here we will share all the steps we have taken, their outcomes, and achievements as well as screenshots. So, stay with us till the end and see the progress, and how our team of marketers helped this project to grow and reach its target.

Now, you must be wondering what exactly is panKuKu and what does it do?

What is PanKuKu?

panKuKu is a proud blockchain product from Suriname. The project features the longest list of blockchain products compared to any other DEX project in the market.

Its long list of products includes KUKU Swap, KUKU NFT Marketplace, KUKU Farm, Liquidity Pool, KUKU Lottery platform, KUKU Prediction platform, KUKU Launchpad, KUKU Wallet, KUKU Play, and recently launched KUKU Shop. All the products of the panKuKu ecosystem have been wisely integrated with its native Hyper deflationary rewards token — the KUKU token.

In short, we can say that panKuKu is a blockchain project that is trying to be the ultimate destination for all crypto users. KUKU holders can use, trade, invest and earn with the panKuKu hassle-free.

The Objective and aim of the panKuKu Project

panKuKu is a huge project with lots of opportunities, products, and benefits, and just like any other project of the same scale, the first aim of the project was to make people aware of the project and then let them use and explore all the opportunities.

It was also a task to build a community of genuine crypto users who are looking for one such project where they can get everything under a single umbrella.

So, now we are describing how we helped the panKuKu project with the quality services provided by our responsible and experienced marketing team.

How Did We Achieve all of PanKuKu’s Goals?

Project Initialization

The first phase was, as always, understanding the concept and making a proper marketing plan. Our basic plan was to give the project exposure that it really wants with content and social media marketing.

We also went through the official website and all its pages for auditing purposes and also suggested some changes to make it SEO-friendly.

Started by Creating Social Pages

We started from Zero, we first created accounts on all the major social media platforms and then added all the required details. Promoting the project on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, and Reddit was on top of our list.

After creating and completing the project profile on all above mentioned social media platforms, we started making people aware of the project with regular posts.

Social Media Marketing

We started promoting the panKuKu project on all the major social media platforms with content writers, graphic designers, and social media experts.

Since the initial aim was to make people aware of the project, we started promoting features and basic details of the project, later on, we started sharing benefits, rewards, and products as well.

Here is the progress in the last four months on




We have not only increased the number of followers but also kept them engaged with the project, products, and all the latest happenings.

Our continuous efforts and panKuKu’s genuine products attracted a wide audience and we have successfully built a robust community for the project.

Email Marketing

We understand that email marketing is still one of the most advantageous ways of marketing projects or products. It can connect a wider audience to the project without much effort. We promoted all the exclusive blockchain products when they were launched by the company.

It also helped the project attract more investors to IDO marketing.  Which helped the project to grow at a consistent pace and keep their developing work intact. Email Marketing proved to be highly beneficial for the project and it also added

Content Marketing

When we talk about marketing strategies, here content marketing plays a vital role. As you know, content is itself considered the king of marketing. So, here we are good with our words and therefore we know exactly what to deliver to our audience, which they understand. In SAG IPL content marketing we use prominent strategies. And so, we promote the panKuKu project in high-quality and relevant content in the form of blogs, articles, guest posts, emails, social media content, forums, and so on.

Influence Marketing

In no time influence of marketing has acquired the market. Currently, every big brand is promoting its product and service through influence marketing.

Influencers are those who are active on social media and they have millions of followers who are following them constantly. Their posts go viral because of huge crowds of followers following them and admiring them with each post.

So, when an influencer posts anything related to any product or service then their followers automatically get connected and go to that page to which an influencer refers.

The best part of doing influence marketing is that through it we can reach millions of people at a single time. These days every firm is highly practiced in their promotion.

In our organization, we got the best influence marketer of our related concern for doing promotional activities. And that’s how the influencer has done the marketing of our panKuKu platform and helped us to raise the followers on the social media platform.

News & PR Marketing

News and PR marketing is another way of marketing goods and services. However, it’s not that economical in price like others. However, in this market, there’s no need to put in some effort in order to get the result.

We use it to promote our services as it has an influential impact on the audience. For best results, we contacted the best PR agency regarding our services and as result, we get all around applaud because of our best service.

They not only praise the service but also have come up on the platform for using it. Through a press release, news, articles, and media content services, we directly targeted our target audience and as result, we got a massive crowd on our platform.

Video Creation and Marketing

Now, video is another hot trend that can be seen currently. Since TikTok became famous, people have started paying attention to video stuff. Now creating different videos in the form of reels has been rotating on the internet.

Whether it is YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any other platform where people intentionally search for the videos of their interest. And there are few videos that become famous then, our service has automatically been noticed by millions of people at a time.

Posting new videos on a regular basis can update the audience about new attributes. And thus how they liked our services and started following us in order to get updates related to the services.

Questions & Answers Activity


For better and an extensive reach to the audience, we had come across different platforms where we answered their queries. Likewise quora, we have gone through different platforms where people frequently ask questions related to the crypto platform. And in order to answer their questions, we have connected our panKuKu to them. And thus how we roll more followers into our site.

The Bottom Line

It’s been so long since we are handling this project with our sincerity and covered all the steps to make it a success. And by the above steps and results, surely marked that the reach of the platform has been growing by each day. So, we believe that in the coming future, we will be promoting its business in the same way and would contribute to growing the panKuKu business constantly.

So if you are still with us here then you have probably observed that we at SAG IPL don’t leave any stone unturned. Under our Marketing services, we try to give much-needed exposure to the project by incorporating all the marketing strategies. If you are also looking for a reliable crypto marketing agency then choosing SAG IPL will be a great step in the right direction.

By Amit Gupta Founder and CEO of SAG IPL

Amit Gupta, who is the CEO and Founder of SAG IPL, founded this company with the vision to become the #1 provider of quality-driven and cost-effective blockchain marketing and development services in the world. As a Chartered Accountant with a keen interest in software and web development, he manages a team of over 200 professionals, comprising designers, developers, and marketers, committed to delivering top-notch web, software, mobile, and blockchain solutions to clients worldwide. Linkedin


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